2010-12-12, 08:54 PM
When you make a quick reply, the string "Re:" is appended to the post's subject
I am runing an arabic board, so how can I translate this little string?
I am runing an arabic board, so how can I translate this little string?

// If this is the first post there needs to be a subject, else make it the default one.
if(my_strlen(trim_blank_chrs($subject)) == 0 && $first_post)
return false;
elseif(my_strlen($subject) == 0)
$thread = get_thread($post['tid']);
$subject = "RE: ".$thread['subject'];
// This is a new post
else if($this->action == "post")
if(my_strlen(trim_blank_chrs($subject)) == 0)
$thread = get_thread($post['tid']);
$subject = "RE: ".$thread['subject'];
$postbit = build_postbit($post, 1);
eval("\$preview = \"".$templates->get("previewpost")."\";");
$subject = htmlspecialchars_uni($subject);
if(!$pid && !$mybb->input['previewpost'])
$subject = "RE: " . $thread['subject'];
// Setup a unique posthash for attachment management
and // Only show messages for the current thread
if($quoted_post['tid'] == $tid || $load_all == 1)
// If this post was the post for which a quote button was clicked, set the subject
if($pid == $quoted_post['pid'])
$subject = preg_replace('#RE:\s?#i', '', $quoted_post['subject']);
$subject = "RE: ".$subject;
$message .= parse_quoted_message($quoted_post);
$quoted_ids[] = $quoted_post['pid'];
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="RE: {$thread['subject']}" />