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Full Version: Is the speed of the forum okay?
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Login with test: test123

Queries on index:

Generated in 0.7403901 seconds (18.15% PHP / 81.85% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 43 / Global Parsing Time: 0.4710200 / Memory Usage: 7.75 MB
PHP version: 5.2.15 / Server Load: 10.05 / GZip Compression: Enabled

Queries in a 2 page thread:
 in 0.1259861 seconds (90.10% PHP / 9.90% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 58 / Global Parsing Time: 0.0728719 / Memory Usage: 8.5 MB
PHP version: 5.2.15 / Server Load: 5.37 / GZip Compression: Enabled

Queries in a profile:

Generated in 0.3409262 seconds (39.23% PHP / 60.77% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 48 / Global Parsing Time: 0.1524410 / Memory Usage: 8.5 MB
PHP version: 5.2.15 / Server Load: 6.87 / GZip Compression: Enable

I have quite a few plugins, list of all enabled ones:

NoFollow Website Links 
Registration Checkboxes Plugin
Spider Bots
Board Messages
Donation Page
Easy Refer
Fake Admin CP
Forum Icons
Fit on Page
Fun Post Stat
Game Section
Google Analytics
Google SEO
HTML Permissions
imei Page Optimizer!
Mod Rep Log
My Ad Manager
My Awards
My Meta Tags
Nofollow Signatures
Online 24
PHP and Template Conditionals
PM Spy
PM On Registration
Pre-Parse Signature 
Profile Buddies
Profile Comments
Profile Groups
Quick Reply PM
reCAPTCHA plugin
Spoiler BBCode
Undo Delete
Username History
VIP Membership
Warning Group Display
Welcome Guest
Winpulse Scanner

I deliver images/css/js with a CDN. Any other tips? ;o
You have an awful lot of queries running on index, what plugins are you running???
It's OK but could be better. I am in Australia and there is a slight lag, which looks like the rendering.

But nothing I would be concerned about. Though it is noticeably slower than my own
Holy crap, I disabled the prostats plugin and now there are 43 queries, rofl.

Generated in 0.7403901 seconds (18.15% PHP / 81.85% MySQL)
SQL Queries: 43 / Global Parsing Time: 0.4710200 / Memory Usage: 7.75 MB
PHP version: 5.2.15 / Server Load: 10.05 / GZip Compression: Enabled
I should really post in the ProStats thread saying that nobody should use it due to the intensive load it places on your forum.
Hmm. So anymore feedback?
Seems to run fine for me.
Okay, thanks. Are all those plugins okay?
For me this is very slow Exclamation

Try deleting or disabling some unneeded plugins
Your server load is very high. Who's your host??
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