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Thanks but it not working for mybb 1.6.5

Why not patch it? the above two links will help with that
(2011-12-02, 03:18 PM)windkind Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I've a little problem. I'm downloaded and installed the Plugin as written in the INSTALL.txt. But... it doesn't appear under Users & Groups! What can I do?


Same here, exact same problem

This plugin is not compatible with MyBB 1.6.5. Refer to the post above yours for instructions on how to update it.
It would be nice if we could get an update.
I am having the same problem, were is the update to this please?
OP's last visit: July 25th, 2011 09:07 PM

The license is GPL though, so I guess somebody else could take control of the development?
Please, someone!
Here is the way to update the plugin:
(2011-06-09, 11:39 AM)pako_wroc Wrote: [ -> ]Is it possible to disable automatic add a link to unsubscribe?

Go to inc/plugins/rememberus/lang/english/admin/rememberus.lang.php

Change the text in line 9 "If you wish not to be contacted anymore on this e-mail address, please click this link: {unsubscribe_link}"



Big Grin
Hi, How Can I delete all the logs of Remember Us?
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