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Full Version: how to align this ads??
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Hello friends,
look at the screenshot, the align of ads banner is left.I want to show the ads in how can I change its align???(the screen shot was taken from index page, I have postbit ads too, plz also tell me how can I change that too!!)
I'm using My Advertisement plugin for that.

[Image: 1156150119f131d7c05d233aab3b207f3ac7dad6.jpg]
use the alignment code with advertisement code
<center>advertisement code</center>
The center element has been deprecated and some browsers don't support it. Use this instead:

<div align="center">advertisement code</div>
I cant modify google adsense code.this is against their TOS.
cant I modify my plugin??? so that ad could show un center???
You don't need to modify the Google AdSense code. You just wrap it in the div.

Paste the contents of your header template here, I'll modify it for you.
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<div id="container">
		<a name="top" id="top"></a>
		<div id="header">
			<div class="logo"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"></a><img src="{$theme['logo']}"></div>
			<div class="menu">
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/">Home</a>
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php">{$lang->toplinks_search}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/memberlist.php">{$lang->toplinks_memberlist}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/calendar.php">{$lang->toplinks_calendar}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help">{$lang->toplinks_help}</a>
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=rules"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/rules.gif" alt="" title="" />Rules</a>
			<hr class="hidden" />
			<div id="panel">
		<hr class="hidden" />
		<br class="clear" />
		<div id="content">

			<br />{myadvertisements[zone_1]}
Replace all with:

<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">
<div id="container">
		<a name="top" id="top"></a>
		<div id="header">
			<div class="logo"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"></a><img src="{$theme['logo']}"></div>
			<div class="menu">
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/">Home</a>
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php">{$lang->toplinks_search}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/memberlist.php">{$lang->toplinks_memberlist}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/calendar.php">{$lang->toplinks_calendar}</a>
					<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help">{$lang->toplinks_help}</a>
                                        <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=rules"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/rules.gif" alt="" title="" />Rules</a>
			<hr class="hidden" />
			<div id="panel">
		<hr class="hidden" />
		<br class="clear" />
		<div id="content">

			<br /><div align="center">{myadvertisements[zone_1]}[</div>
Thanks!! it works.
but what about my postbit ad???
where I have to edit???
just name the template
Paste the contents of the showthread template (inside Show Thread Templates).
I dont see any my moderation plugin code there to modify.
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