MyBB Community Forums

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When I click the forums in my testing forum, 404 the page not found error occurs. How do I avoid from this error?
this is the url of forum-->
Rename htaccess.txt in your forum root firectory to .htaccess.
It is already exists in public html directory as .htaccess
But same issue. Sad
Here is the code in it
RewriteBase /
# Do not remove this line or mod_rewrite rules and search engine friendly URLs will stop working

RewriteBase /

This is not the file MyBB provides.
@OP, after installing Google SEO related plugin, the plugin should create
a htaccess file with the URL redirection rules. it is generally named as
htaccess.txt file AND needs to be renamed as .htaccess file
It works for me.
Can you access forums in without error?
Home page can be accessed but can not access forums. It redirects to page not found error page of my web host.
But you cannot go in to forums. That is the case.
^ if you cannot do it then find a contributor & request for help AND provide required access to fix it..
Pages: 1 2