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I have big problem! my "Image Verification" not shown in register page in my forum. whay ? help me please.
Most likely a plugin is causing the issue. Open up the /inc/init.php file and find:

define("TIME_NOW", time());

Right after that, add this:

define("NO_PLUGINS", 1);
ok I add this cod, but my problem not solved.
Do you have the GD library installed on your server?
no, what is this?
Well you need the GD library, otherwise the CAPTCHA image verification will not work.

Contact your web host to make sure it is installed.
& I need a plugin 4 that? or not? if yes, Where I can find this plugin?
No, you don't need a plugin, nor will you be able to install it yourself. You need to contact your web host and ask them if GD is installed.
when my host master install 4 me the GD, i need to deleting the cod that u write it 4 me? or this cod should be available?
You will only need to install it if it's not installed already. As for the code, no, you won't need it.

I believe you can see if it's installed on your own. Go to Admin CP > Tools & Maintenance > View PHP Info. Then use Ctrl+F to search for "gd" on the page. If you see a GD section and if the GD Support row says enabled, then that means it's installed.
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