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Full Version: Removing Powered by line but still supporting MyBB
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(2011-06-27, 03:44 PM)Yaldaram Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-06-27, 03:40 PM)adbrad Wrote: [ -> ]I asked a similar question, is there a way we can just reword powered by and still get the support.

I think you'll get the support still Rewording the "Powered By" word to another like "Proudly Powered By MyBB" but not removing the link.

That would still fail, "Powered By MyBB" is still in there which is what this is about, avoiding. I don't see why he can't just use an image though.
(2011-06-27, 02:37 PM)mooson94 Wrote: [ -> ]I want to remove the powered by link on my website for several reasons:

1. A few other sites are mirroring mine(plugins and such) and this would help prevent that in new sites)
This doesn't even make sense...

2. Security. I know MyBB is secure but if a loop hole is found in one forum that is MyBB it makes us all a target.
Oh boy, better not take the 0.01% risk of this happening, serious vulnerabilities are usually patched by within days of the initial finding so I'm sure your good.

3. Branding. I know MyBB is the heart and sole of my site but having powered by MyBB in a way changes the image users perceive.
Because having a 3 word, 11 point sized statement at the bottom of your website really changes your image as a forum.

(2011-06-27, 05:50 PM)Jessie S. Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-06-27, 02:37 PM)mooson94 Wrote: [ -> ]I want to remove the powered by link on my website for several reasons:

1. A few other sites are mirroring mine(plugins and such) and this would help prevent that in new sites)
This doesn't even make sense...

2. Security. I know MyBB is secure but if a loop hole is found in one forum that is MyBB it makes us all a target.
Oh boy, better not take the 0.01% risk of this happening, serious vulnerabilities are usually patched by within days of the initial finding so I'm sure your good.

3. Branding. I know MyBB is the heart and sole of my site but having powered by MyBB in a way changes the image users perceive.
Because having a 3 word, 11 point sized statement at the bottom of your website really changes your image as a forum.

Completely agreed. +1

I highly doubt many people who visit your forum know what MyBB actually is, and will think less of you for using it.
I am kinda proud about my mybb powered forum. And the visitors love it.. (some actually started their own forum.. Guess what? Powered by Mybb!!!)

I never needed much support, because most things can be found with searching, but i will never remove the powered by MyBB. I had so much fun and learned so much because of MyBB.. Seems selfish to remove it.. IMHO..

If you don't show version numbers, then you should be alright. I've seen it first-hand what happens.
Can you add rel = "nofollow" ?
I would imagine so as mybb isn't so much worried about google and the link but people seeing the link.
(2011-06-28, 06:59 PM)raoul Wrote: [ -> ]Can you add rel = "nofollow" ?

Why would you want to do that? May I ask if you know what nofollow is for? When you add nofollow to a link, it tells Google "hey, don't pass this site's reputation to my own". This is helpful in websites with user generated content, where links to suspicious websites might be posted and passed onto your website's reputation, which would end up ruining your website's reputation.

But in this case, it's a good idea not to use nofollow because MyBB is a popular website with great reputation, so by not adding nofollow you'll be telling Google "hey, I want a piece of this website's reputation".
(2011-06-28, 07:13 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011-06-28, 06:59 PM)raoul Wrote: [ -> ]Can you add rel = "nofollow" ?

Why would you want to do that? May I ask if you know what nofollow is for? When you add nofollow to a link, it tells Google "hey, don't pass this site's reputation to my own". This is helpful in websites with user generated content, where links to suspicious websites might be posted and passed onto your website's reputation, which would end up ruining your website's reputation.

But in this case, it's a good idea not to use nofollow because MyBB is a popular website with great reputation, so by not adding nofollow you'll be telling Google "hey, I want a piece of this website's reputation".

Ok, i understood, and what's the difference between a link with Powered by MyBB or adding an image like [Image: mybb.png] with a link to it ? Or there is no difference.

Or it's a bad thing if i (not i ,myself, we , the users) change "Powered by MyBB" to "The Site © running on a MyBB platform." ? Something like the wordpress....

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