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@raoul, you can word it however you want.

- Powered by MyBB
- Forum software by MyBB
- Site platform by MyBB
- we use t3h mybbz

If you really want to remove the branding and still receive support, your only option is to switch to forum software that allows this. (XenForo is just under $400 for a license + no branding)
Making it rel=nofollow won't do much as the text will still get indexed as part of the page.
My understanding of “rel=nofollow” is it indicates to Google (and other search engines that recognize it) that the linked site is not related to the subject matter of your site. If you link to too many sites that have little or no relationship to the content of your site then search engines might think you’re running a link farm. I use this tag myself for links that have no relationship to the content of my site.

In a perfect world you would only link to sites that have some meaningful relationship to your site (and vice versa). Links that occur in this manner could possibly be considered by search engines as “organic links”.

Apologies if this is off topic.
Big mistake, that's not what rel=nofollow is for. If you had read the Wikipedia article you linked to, you'd know. I suggest you read it and re-think your strategy.
(2011-07-01, 06:24 PM)faviouz Wrote: [ -> ]Big mistake, that's not what rel=nofollow is for. If you had read the Wikipedia article you linked to, you'd know. I suggest you read it and re-think your strategy.

We can’t all be perfect all of the time.

I thought I had a better link but couldn’t find it at the time so I did a quick search and came up with the wikipedia page.

FWIW I think this is a better explanation: Understanding web page linking - links, backlinks, nofollow and all that

Not worth arguing about it though. We can agree to disagree, YMMV, etcetera.
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