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Just to bring it to your notice, he has posted a list already, but let's wait and see if the code works Smile
(2011-07-22, 08:45 AM)Joshua Mayer Wrote: [ -> ]To rule out plugins as a cause of this issue, please try the following. In ./inc/init.php, find the code:

define("TIME_NOW", time());

After this code, add this:

define("NO_PLUGINS", 1);

Then save and/or reupload this edited version of the file so the forum will run the new code.

This edit will stop plugins being run when a page on the forum is loaded; it will not edit, delete or reset any content the plugin has added or changed, it will just temporarily stop the plugins being loaded, so some features on your forum may be temporarily missing or broken whilst this code is in place. When you remove this code, plugins will work again exactly as they were before. This change helps us to see if a plugin is the cause of a problem, without you having to manually deactivate every single plugin, which would mean you may lose data from them.

The above did the trick. I posted a screen shot of the plugins I have earlier in this thread here:
Try disabling the two I mentioned, one at a time, and see what happens.
I tried disabling both (one at a time) and it still comes up with the blank screen with the refresh button.
Does anyone have any other suggestions I could try out?
You cleared you cache both times?

The odd thing is that's the captcha refresh button, and looking at the source, everything is there like the page loaded Huh
Yeah, I cleared the cache both times and I did each multiple times and even disabled them both at the same time. But yeah, I'm at a complete loss.
(2011-07-24, 04:57 PM)Somnium Shadow Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, I cleared the cache both times and I did each multiple times and even disabled them both at the same time. But yeah, I'm at a complete loss.

Ok, since disabling all the plugins worked the first time, the only thing I can think of doing is disabling them all in the plugin panel and then re-enabling them one by one until you get the issue.

Unless you have a good idea when the problem started, then you can look through the admin logs and figure out what plugin was enabled at that time.
As said above, your best bet is to disable all plugins, and enable them one by one until you find out which one was causing the issue.
Interestingly enough, after I updated to 1.6.4 guest posting started working properly. I'm not sure how or what happened to make it work, but it does now.

Thanks for all the help everyone!
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