Browse plugins and modifications for MyBB, allowing you to endlessly customize your forum with new features and functionality.
Projects in Forum Display
Blocks users access to the profiles of banned users.
Adds preview image to themes and new UCP page to change themes.
Show info about warns in posts.
Very simple MyBB plugin to select a random thread in a forum from the last X days.
This plugin will allow individual users to alter the hue of their usergroup image.
The plugin adds the ability to display the status of users on TS3 and displays the list of users (screenshots).
This plugin adds special, restricted pages.
Mobile MyBB 1.8 (MMyBB18) is a mobile-friendly MyBB 1.8 theme.
Turns slider gallery for images!
MyBB 1.8 plugin to replace specific words in post messages with links.
This plugin colorize usernames according to the groups settings.
A simple MyCode which able you to embed SlideShare into your posts easily (tested on MyBB 1.8.7)
Add a signature limit in the PostBit section
MyBB 1.8 plugin to define topics limits in certain forums
Display the usernames of usergroup moderators instead of the usergroup name
Display users' avatars on the forum
Add icons to threads
A simple plugin that allows moderators to add "glitter" effect to thread title.
It allows you to change names and descriptions of your forums depending on the language.
Link to your Chrome Extension/App!