Giving your forum an entirely new look and feel is easy — just download one of these great themes! There are even themes for the admin control panel.
Projects in Admin Control Panel

AdminCP Responsive Bootstrap theme

A dark theme for the admin control panel.

Responsive and multicolor ACP theme in Flat Design

Dark Night is a modified dark version of the default ACP Theme
Purple & Black modded ACP Theme
MyIPB is a clean and elegant theme, covering the awesome style of IPB 4.x.

Make your acp material styled!

A fresh looking admin control panel

A flat theme for MyBB's ACP.

A simplistic dark theme for the MyBB ACP.
A CSS tweaked version of the default ACP theme

Revolution Gaming skin for your ACP

An admin panel skin that matches the Duende theme
This is the RTL version of MyBB 1.8 Default AdminCp Theme

A fresh looking admin control panel

A theme for the admin control panel, inspired by the MyBB Community forum theme.