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[UA-PLUGINS] Messages - Desktop notifications
[Image: logo_big_icon.png]

Hi all,

I am here announcing UA Messages, from the new creator: UA-Plugins

This plugin sends desktop notifications to the user if there happens something on your forum. At this moment there are 4 triggers:
  • You are quoted
  • Someone replied in your topic
  • You are tagged (trough @Yourname)
  • You received a PM
When the user allows the plugin to send messages on his computer/browser, the user will receives desktop notifications trough our system.
Current languages:
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Would you like to translate it? PM me

But how does it works?
Because the plugin can not send any messages without your permission, we created a window with information and to be sure to have your permission to receive notifications:
[Image: f3zUiS0.png]
(or )

This window will only show up once. If you want to receive the message, you have to click on 'Request for messages' and get a browser-notification request:
[Image: eHyyhYW.png]

If the user allows it, the user can receive notifications/messages from the plugin. They will refresh automatically every minute.

Examples of UA Messages:
If someone quoted you:
[Image: jMV6Zml.png]
(or )

If someone tagged you:
[Image: X46nhh0.png]
(or )

If someone replied to your topic:
[Image: zP0WNfK.png]
(or )

If you received a PM:
[Image: JC2Xecf.png]
(or )

Butt... The database?!?!
What about it? It could get full? Don't worry! We added a task to the tasks. When a message is not unread, the message will automatically remove himself every night:
[Image: e4XmCJN.png]
(or )

And when the user did not accept the messages, when the plugin asked it on the start-screen in the beginning?
Good point, we thought about that too. We added a warning sign at the right bottom of the webpage, so that means that you can change it every minute:
[Image: UAgD6j4.png]
(or )

If the member presses that button, the start screen will re-open.

But... If the member pressed first 'Request for messages' and wants to ‘Block’ it?
Well, then this window will come-up if you click the warning sign:
[Image: IP4UOAB.png]

So, yeah, we thought about everything!
"But, with those requests and database requests, the website will get slower!!!!!!!!!" NOPPEEHHH! NOT WITH OUR PLUGIN! The plugin uses your database as little as possible! So, no worry about that! We asked even our users on our test-forum (Dutch) about their speed of the website, they are saying: Nothing slowed down!

What does the plugin require?
  • jQuery
  • Javascript on
  • I guess MyBB 1.8, not sure if this plugin works too on 1.6 or lower! If someone has it, contact me, you can test it.
What does the member require?
  • A updated browser, like Google Chrome, Firefox etc., just a modern browser
But, when does it get released?
Ahh, good question! We will release this awesome plugin in a few days! You can go to our website (will get online about a few days), or like us on facebook to see the updates that could come etc. There's even more, you can download the plugin when it gets released FOR FREE!

You can download the plugin here on the MyBB Plugin website, under Miscellaneous!

Any questions or suggestions?
Do you have any questions or suggestions left? Ask or tell it here to make the plugin better! We have enough time to add some new features. Oh yeah, this is just our first plugin and many people like it, so think about our next plugins, those will even be more awesome!
Kind regards,
Jasper & Leon - UA-Plugins Creators
Will it be a free plugin? or paid? Looks like a really cool plugin!
just a noob.
(2015-07-15, 12:22 PM)nollidnosnhoj Wrote: Will it be a free plugin? or paid? Looks like a really cool plugin!

Full free! We share this to make better forums, so anyone can download and like it Smile

The plugin is ready to release now! The plugin will get released today, tomorror or the day after tomorrow!

The latest (Dutch) version of the plugin is now on DevNL/BE . When you are logged in you will see the message-box-request.

Don't forget: The plugin is FREE! Smile
Kind regards,
Jasper & Leon - UA-Plugins Creators
Looks nice, definitely will try it when it will be approved.
Because download link returns:
Quote:You have selected an invalid project.
Is it possible to add notification about new messages in specified or any forum/s?
English is not my native language, so, sorry for any mistakes which I will do for sure.
download link dont work
@jasler ,please download link ...
(2015-07-18, 11:53 AM)rockenren Wrote: Looks nice, definitely will try it when it will be approved.
Because download link returns:
Quote:You have selected an invalid project.
Is it possible to add notification about new messages in specified or any forum/s?

Nope, not yet, there are no settings yet, only putting it on and off each browser. I like to think about creating settings for each user, in the User CP. So what you just said is great feedback Smile Thank you Smile

(2015-07-18, 04:04 PM)armypoilce Wrote: download link dont work


(2015-07-18, 07:36 PM)badboy4life91 Wrote: @jasler ,please download link ...

True, MyBB didn't approved it yet... I am waiting for it... I'll send a PM to one of them for asking about how long it will take to approve the plugin. If it is too long, I'll upload it somewhere else!

We will let you know in this topic!
Kind regards,
Jasper & Leon - UA-Plugins Creators

I think you can give the download link even if it is not yet approved , the difference between approved or not plugin is that if it is not approved it has our peril ...
" plugin approved" simply mean that you can install the eyes closed
(2015-07-18, 07:53 PM)badboy4life91 Wrote: @jasler,

I think you can give the download link even if it is not yet approved , the difference between approved or not plugin is that if it is not approved it has our peril ...
" plugin approved" simply mean that you can install the eyes closed

Yeah, that is true... If it is not approved today, I'll create a temporary download link tomorrow Smile
Kind regards,
Jasper & Leon - UA-Plugins Creators
thanks ! Smile

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