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[Release] Fast Search - like in IPB
Name: Fast Search
Author: noc123 (Fifty)
Version: 2.0
MyBB Version: All

Description: When you click on "Search", small window pops up where you can enter a search word. A similar fast search function is in the IPB script. It has an opacity effect (tested on FF 3.5 and IE 7).

Version 2.0 info
I'm not very fluent with PHP, so I give you step-by-step instructions, the installation should not take longer than 2 minutes.
I've changed a little bit instructions. You need to upload fast.js to jscripts folder on your server, edit one template (Header Template) and add one class to global.css

Few people PM me that they have problems with changing Advanced Search link and [X] button. This problem is caused by construction of Header Template. Some themes are using <ul> and <li> tags in navigation bar in header. These tags ussually have their own links' class. So I decided to skip .fastsearch a:link class and i've set up black color as default for these two links. You can easy change it to other color, find style="color:#000000" and change #000000 to any color you want.

Instruction and javascript file:

.txt   instruction.txt (Size: 3.88 KB / Downloads: 856)

.js   fast.js (Size: 1.02 KB / Downloads: 597)

[Image: i3xs05.jpg]

If you like this mod and you could do the installation plugin for this I would be very grateful.
Viva la Poland!
You might want to fix the MyBB version - as it won't work with all of them, just 1.4.x

Good job, though Big Grin
i love you!
o god!
Coming soon..
Great work! Thank you!
hmm, nice looking, Great work
Nice job.
(2009-04-16, 08:00 AM)JonP Wrote: o god!

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------


It doesn't exist. I used the find option, not there, I searched manually, not there. (I am looking at correct spot)
Miley, If you found this: <a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php" than
{$lang->toplinks_search}</a>" is after. It's ending of that first code.

If you have in that place different code, it's OK. Put <!--Do not remove outer most DIV tag with id="fastsearch"--> [..] after </a> tag.
Viva la Poland!

Is it possible to make it a plugin? Should be...
I love this functionality, it saves much time, but I do no like the idea of modifying my forum manually. Th eplugin system is the major reason why I picked mybb.

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