(2013-08-19, 01:32 PM)ikhwanulfikri Wrote: hello efffone. This plugin does not seem to work when the edited title.
after making the thread and I changed the title so this plugin does not work.
Well, its meant to be like that as I've made it only for Subjects of new thread.
This plugin doesn't work if you edit the title after posting or make a reply and change the title for reply.
But it is not so complicated. If you want it to be working for editing titles as well as for changing titles during reply; just do this little modification to your plugin .php file:
Open the plugin in a text editor, go to line no. 32 and find the code line:
$plugins->add_hook('datahandler_post_validate_thread', 'titlepolish_normalize');
and add just after that:
$plugins->add_hook('datahandler_post_validate_post', 'titlepolish_normalize');
Now save your plugin file and re-upload under inc/plugins.
All the titles of your threads / posts will be polished from now onwards