2014-02-07, 07:38 PM
Thank you for replying!
Image in this version only works (shows) if we have it in 'root' folder. If we try to move the 'closed.png' file into another folder the mod never shows it on threads.
I've updated the hideip.php with new image location but it's not showing.
Inspect Element said that the image is calling from class .hideip_box{ of file hideipbox.css but when I opened that file there was no image link there.
Image in this version only works (shows) if we have it in 'root' folder. If we try to move the 'closed.png' file into another folder the mod never shows it on threads.
I've updated the hideip.php with new image location but it's not showing.
background: #FEEFB3 url(images/sub_folder/closed.png) no-repeat;
Inspect Element said that the image is calling from class .hideip_box{ of file hideipbox.css but when I opened that file there was no image link there.