(2014-09-04, 10:46 AM).m. Wrote: ^ I was referring to Plugin Uploader plugin, which is optionally used to upload other plugins (MyBB 1.6) ..
can you run file verification tool to find missing / changed php files - focus is on php files
(ignore images and files from install folder)
it looks like there is a faulty plugin file which is preventing loading of plugins list.
can you move all files & folders in plugins folder to a new folder (eg. ~/inc/plugins2) AND
move back plugin files & folders one by one & simultaneously refresh plugins page to find the faulty ..
ok , iw ill do this now , thankyou sir
Did the file verification and its all fine
UPDATE: The issue was a plug in causing this problem , but the plugin is one thats Meant to be for 1.8
First i downloaded this
DVZ Shoutbox
Lightweight AJAX chat.
Created by Devilshakerz
That was the initial problem but when i put it into the plugins folder then in ACP plug do not show up , so i deleted that DVZ shoutbox and plugins showed up in ACP ,
i then tried this plugin (also for mybb1.8)
DVZ Mentions
Replaces @username with profile link and group color
Created by Devilshakerz
The same problem happened.
what could be the issue ? Corrupred plugin or is it an error on my behalf ? Thankyou
Ok , i know what has happened, i may have not read the part about the dvz plugins reuiring PHP Version 5.5.16 , so a simple upgrade of that has fixed my problem , thanks for your help .m.