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[For 1.6] Release: Report system like in vBulletin
(2010-01-08, 04:52 PM)Skiilz Wrote: How do I change the Thread/Post Icon on the plugin?
I saw this code below but I don't know how to add the icon I want it to show.
		// Building the report thread:
		$reportedthread = array(
		   "fid" => $mybb->settings['reporttoforum_forum'],
		   "subject" => "Reported post by ".$mybb->user['username'],
		   "icon" => "2",
		   "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
		   "username" => $mybb->user['username'],
		   "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
		   "lastpost" => TIME_NOW,
		   "lastposter" =>  $mybb->user['username'],
		   "lastposteruid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
		   "views" => 1,
		   "visible" => "1"
		 $tid = $db->insert_id($db->insert_query("threads", $reportedthread));
		 // Building the report post:
		 $reportedpost = array(
		   "fid" => $mybb->settings['reporttoforum_forum'],
		   "subject" => "Reported post by ".$mybb->user['username'],
		   "icon" => "2",
		   "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
		   "username" => $mybb->user['username'],
		   "dateline" => TIME_NOW,
		   "message" => $message,
		   "ipaddress" => 1,
		   "longipaddress" => 1,
		   "visible" => 1,
		   "posthash" => $posthash

		   "icon" => "2",

Hello there!
Well actually you can change the icon's id and it should be fine, however myBB does not have any interface where you can see Post Icon's ID, so what you can do is to go to Configuration/Post Icons: admin/index.php?module=config/post_icons
and click Edit on the icon you'd like to have, in the URL you'll see "admin/index.php?module=config/post_icons&action=edit&iid=X"
Replace the 2 in the code by the id you've found out and you should have the icon you want.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Release: Report system like in vBulletin - by John_S - 2010-01-10, 09:12 PM

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