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[For 1.8] Moderator notifications (aka Mod Notify)
(2011-09-21, 10:56 AM)lukasamd Wrote:
(2011-09-21, 08:53 AM)katib Wrote: 1-Can it send Email instead/in addtion of PM?

MyBB will send an email if user has checked "Notify me by email when I receive a new Private Message." in profile.

(2011-09-21, 08:53 AM)katib Wrote: 2- Add Post approve/unapprove

Unfortunately, no. There are no hooks for plugins in MyBB core to do this.

You could override Moderation-class with a your own class which extends that.
You should hook after the core class Moderation is istantiated and assign to the variable the instance of your class.
Unfortunately, I dont any coding skill to even write a simple line
Anyway, thanks for great plugin
منتدى لعشاق القراءة وأصدقاء الكتاب:ء
فضاء الفلسفة، دروس الفلسفة للباكاوريا:ء
(2011-09-21, 12:16 PM)flash.tato Wrote: You could override Moderation-class with a your own class which extends that.
You should hook after the core class Moderation is istantiated and assign to the variable the instance of your class.

Hm.. it's good idea! I can override Moderation object and call parent methods after I do what I need.
I will make it in next version.

Version 1.3:
- Add notification for approve / unapprove posts (thanks for flash.tato)

I updated attachment in first post.
Plugin in database is avaiting validation.
Thanks a million for this update !!!
منتدى لعشاق القراءة وأصدقاء الكتاب:ء
فضاء الفلسفة، دروس الفلسفة للباكاوريا:ء
Version 1.4
- add compatibility with MyBB 1.6.5
- small fix in english lang file

You can download it from first post in this thread or from mods db.
Version 1.5:
- disable notify for personal posts
Small Question, the current release of this plugin does send notifications for all new threads wether the Mod has the permission for viewing special forums or not. Is it possible with this (or another) plugin to send new-post-notification only for the forums the user/mod has permission to view?

This mod doesn't send notifications about new threads or posts - it sends pms only after mod action ex. delete thread.
Great plugin, its realy needed for big board!

2 suggesions:

1-The private message sender can be the moderator who take the action. he/she must reply for his moderating to users, not super admin Big Grin!
2-if a user has no permissions to access some forums, any thing happen to his threads/posts in those forums, had not been notify him.(like trash can forum)
Version 1.6
* change license to LGPL v3
* change plugin sign in hooks
* code cleanup

Official page:


Plugin is avaiting validation.
I attached file to first post.

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