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Nope. I certainly don't agree with you. Many MyBB users, especially 30s or 40s up people, for whom I have worked for developing or doing edits in their forum doesn't have time for it and rather are not encouraged to learn due to their busy job schedules and their tough life.
You cannot speak from other people's apart when you haven't dealt with that situation. And originally, this plugin originated in that way only. A client told me back about an year ago that he wanted this thing and so I coded for free for him and then I decided to release it to general public considering it may useful to
less skilled and as always, advance users could do template edits.
Anyways, I have now updated the plugin, attached v1.1 to post and also updated on mods site and is waiting approval.
UPDATE - v1.1 - This plugin now runs
NO QUERY but just template edits. So you can use it without worrying about adding extra query to your forum.