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[For 1.6] Tags System
Where is the text box available to enter tags.

All this plugin does is create random text as tags. Can you please point me where to enter tags.
(2012-04-11, 06:57 PM)msafiq Wrote: Where is the text box available to enter tags.

All this plugin does is create random text as tags. Can you please point me where to enter tags.

I get that.. but it wont create anything if I cant find the settings to turn it on as it shows in the images the author loaded.. I see no changes to my DB nor do I see changes to any template files when I activate the mod
A little higher than Rookie status... getting better very day..

Debbie D.
Edson please add ability to manually add tags. Because randomly generated tags are almost useless.
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Will this plugin consume too much sql queries if your forum have more than 10,000 threads being created everyday ?
Since this is version 1 yet. Can i ask for the next version that allow users to either manually add tags or automatically add tags?

And there are certain forum section that there is no need for tags so is it possible also to allow the plugin to select certain forums where this tags will be activated.

This will help for your forum to get a better SEO.
Nice plugin.
I decided to use this plugin on my forum...
What do i put in .htaccess file to change links like /tag/XXXX ?

and how can I change thread url to Google SEO plugin generated urls, I have both installed
like for /showthread.php?id=424

I made it work by modifying tags.php files and editing .htaccess files
I put tags like this on my forum
and thread links are google seo now
anyone needing this feature can ask cause i am lazy to not to write it out
(2012-04-13, 10:44 PM)siopk Wrote: I decided to use this plugin on my forum...
What do i put in .htaccess file to change links like /tag/XXXX ?

and how can I change thread url to Google SEO plugin generated urls, I have both installed
like for /showthread.php?id=424

I made it work by modifying tags.php files and editing .htaccess files
I put tags like this on my forum
and thread links are google seo now
anyone needing this feature can ask cause i am lazy to not to write it out

Hi siopk

can u plz tell me the process to get

I tried little bit but i am not able to

What i have to change in .htaccess file and tags.php file???

waiting for the reply.
how put box in footer index forum ?
#19 shows different errors like "end tag for element "a" which is not open". Any idea to solve this problem?

it seems that at least the line 162 of tags.php
$tagcolor[] .= "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" onmouseout=\"'".$color."'\" style=\"color:".$color.";font-size:".$size."px;text-decoration:none\"/>".$tagurl."</a>";
has to be changed into
$tagcolor[] .= "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" onmouseout=\"'".$color."'\" style=\"color:".$color.";font-size:".$size."px;text-decoration:none\">".$tagurl."</a>";
and there are a lot of more lines of type
<a href="" />...</a>
in the tags.php and plugin file as well. The a-tags look like img-tags that has no end-tag.....
My Plugins on
(english descriptions included)
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(2012-04-08, 06:18 PM)wkdwich Wrote: I'm confused.. I uploaded, and activated.. I see no setting anywhere called system tags where is it???

same here..

(2012-04-11, 06:57 PM)msafiq Wrote: Where is the text box available to enter tags.

All this plugin does is create random text as tags. Can you please point me where to enter tags.

does anyone made a fix for this? settings for this doesnt seem to appear in admin area.

(2012-05-01, 01:00 PM)Jockl Wrote: shows different errors like "end tag for element "a" which is not open". Any idea to solve this problem?

it seems that at least the line 162 of tags.php
$tagcolor[] .= "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" onmouseout=\"'".$color."'\" style=\"color:".$color.";font-size:".$size."px;text-decoration:none\"/>".$tagurl."</a>";
has to be changed into
$tagcolor[] .= "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" onmouseout=\"'".$color."'\" style=\"color:".$color.";font-size:".$size."px;text-decoration:none\">".$tagurl."</a>";
and there are a lot of more lines of type
<a href="" />...</a>
in the tags.php and plugin file as well. The a-tags look like img-tags that has no end-tag.....

 * MyBB 1.6
 * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
 * Website:
 * $Id: tags.php 5297 2012-02-10 22:01:14Z EdsonOrdaz $

define("IN_MYBB", 1);
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'tags.php');
define('TAGS', 'tags');
define("KILL_GLOBALS", 1);

require_once "./global.php";
add_breadcrumb("Tags", THIS_SCRIPT);

$activeplug = $cache->read("plugins");

// Load global language phrases

function urlstags($tid)
	global $db;
	$querytagstable = $db->simple_select(TAGS, TAGS, "tid=".$tid);
	$tagslist = $db->fetch_field($querytagstable, TAGS);
	$convert = explode(", ",$tagslist);
	$newtag = array();
	foreach($convert as $tag)
		$url = THIS_SCRIPT."?id=".$tag;
		$newtag[$url] = $tag;
	return $newtag;

	$search = strip_tags($mybb->input['id']);
	$search = htmlspecialchars_uni($search);
	$search = trim($search);
	add_breadcrumb($search, THIS_SCRIPT);
	$lang->loadthead = $lang->sprintf($lang->loadtheadid, $search);
	$langthead = $lang->loadthead;
	$langtitle = "&nbsp;".$search;
	$query_counts = $db->simple_select(TAGS, 'COUNT(aid) AS aids', TAGS." LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($search)."%'", array('limit' => 1));
	$quantity = $db->fetch_field($query_counts, "aids");
	$pagina = intval($mybb->input['page']);
	$perpage = 20;
	if($pagina > 0)
		$start = ($pagina - 1) * $perpage;
		$pages = $quantity / $perpage;
		$pages = ceil($pages);
		if($pagina > $pages || $pagina <= 0)
			$start = 0;
			$pagina = 1;
		$start = 0;
		$pagina = 1;
	$pageurl = "tags.php?id=".$search;
	$tids = array();
	$querysearch = $db->simple_select(TAGS, "*", TAGS." LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($search)."%'", array("order_by" => "tid", "order_dir" => $mybb->settings['systemtag_ascdesclist'], 'limit' => "{$start}, {$perpage}"));
	while($whiletag = $db->fetch_array($querysearch))
		$tids[] = $whiletag['tid'];
	foreach($tids as $tid)
		$colortrow = alt_trow();
		$thread = get_thread($tid);
		$user = get_user($thread['uid']);
		$userlast = get_user($thread['lastposteruid']);
		$username = format_name($user['username'], $user['usergroup'], $user['displaygroup']);
		$username = build_profile_link($username, $user['uid'], "_blank");
		$lastuser = format_name($userlast['username'], $userlast['usergroup'], $userlast['displaygroup']);
		$lastuser = build_profile_link($lastuser, $userlast['uid'], "_blank");
		$time = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $thread['lastpost']);
		$date = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $thread['lastpost']);
		$tagslist = array();
		foreach(urlstags($tid) as $url => $tag)
			$tagslist[] = "<a href=".$url." >".$tag."</a>";
		$tagslist = implode(", ",$tagslist);
		eval("\$listhreads .= \"".$templates->get("tags_listthread")."\";");
		$lang->notresulttags = $lang->sprintf($lang->emptysearchtag, $search);
		eval("\$listhreads = \"".$templates->get("tags_listthread_empty")."\";");
	$pagination = multipage($quantity, (int)$perpage, (int)$pagina, $pageurl);
	eval("\$idtags = \"".$templates->get("tags_threads")."\";");

$arraytags = array();
$newtags = array();
$countfor = 0;
$countwhile = 0;
$querywtag = $db->simple_select(TAGS, TAGS, "", array("order_by" => "RAND();"));
while($tag = $db->fetch_array($querywtag))
	if($countwhile >= intval($mybb->settings['systemtag_cloudtags']))
	$arraytags[] = explode(", ",$tag['tags']);
foreach($arraytags as $newarrays)
	foreach($newarrays as $tag)
		if($countfor >= intval($mybb->settings['systemtag_cloudtags']))
		$newtags[] = $tag;
if($mybb->settings['systemtag_tagscloud'] == "cloud")
	$etiqueta = "<div class=\"systemtag\">";
	foreach($newtags as $tagurl)
		$etiqueta .= "<div class=\"systemtag_element\"><a href=\"".THIS_SCRIPT."?id=".$tagurl."\" ><span class=\"smalltext\"><strong>".$tagurl."</strong></span></a></div>";
	$etiqueta .= "</div>";
elseif($mybb->settings['systemtag_tagscloud'] == "color")
	$tagcolor = array();
	foreach($newtags as $tagurl)
		$rand = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
		$ransize = array();
		for($i=3; $i<=20; $i++)
			$ransize[] = $i;
		$size = $ransize[rand(0,30)];
		$color = '#'.$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)].$rand[rand(0,15)];
		$tagcolor[] .= "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" onmouseout=\"'".$color."'\" style=\"color:".$color.";font-size:".$size."px;text-decoration:none\">".$tagurl."</a>";
	$etiqueta = implode(", ",$tagcolor);
	$simple = array();
	foreach($newtags as $tagurl)
		$simple[] = "<a href=\"tags.php?id=".$tagurl."\" >".$tagurl."</a>";
	$etiqueta = implode(", ",$simple);
$lang->shtagthead = $lang->sprintf($lang->showwtagsthread, $mybb->settings['systemtag_cloudtags']);
eval("\$tagshome = \"".$templates->get("tags_home")."\";");

tried it but still not working.
Anyone manage to fixed this? How did you guys did it?

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