(2012-09-25, 08:55 PM)xStefan Wrote: You know any other plugins that do that? and thanks much love!!
If you want a good notice plugin I would look into using board messages located here;
There is a problem with the plugin though where it doesn't load, but there is a fix that Yaldaram shared.
You need to open the plugin and find;
function board_messages_admin_config_menu($sub_menu)
global $lang;
$sub_menu[] = array('id' => 'board_messages', 'title' => $lang->board_messages, 'link' => 'index.php?module=config/board_messages');
function board_messages_admin_config_action_handler($actions)
$actions['board_messages'] = array('active' => 'board_messages', 'file' => 'board_messages');
Then replace it with;
function board_messages_admin_config_menu($sub_menu)
global $lang;
$sub_menu[] = array('id' => 'board_messages', 'title' => $lang->board_messages, 'link' => 'index.php?module=config/board_messages');
return $sub_menu;
function board_messages_admin_config_action_handler($actions)
$actions['board_messages'] = array('active' => 'board_messages', 'file' => 'board_messages');
return $actions;