What is the best working error free award plugin for MyBB?
Can anybody please tell me what is the best working error free award plugin for MyBB?
I found many but also see that they all are some issues as commented by users. That is why I want to ask what is the perfectly working award plugin?
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I like Omar's a lot -> http://mods.mybb.com/view/ougc-awards

If you're after one that automatically gives the awards based on certain criteria (i.e post count, time spent online) then this one is good -> http://mods.mybb.com/view/achivements
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Well, I I do want to make automated awards. But I read that the achievement plugin has some issue, thats why I did not used it.
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I've used it for some time now and I haven't experience any issues with it (except it's spelt acihvements instead of achievements). If you do experience any issues with it you can always post what issues you're experiencing and we'll try our best to help you. Smile
[Image: information.gif] MyBB Support Technician
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Well I did not faced any issue, I read some post about that plugin in mybb community forum, so I did not took any risk Smile
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I have been having a hell of time with the achievement mod

Of course you could always try it and it may work for you. You could always delete it if you get the same errors i get. Or for example I still have it installed, but it doesn;t work
Well, my turn to look for a awards plugin.

At this point in time, whats the best plugin with automatic awards (or achievements)?

It would be great to have something near of what http://stackoverflow.com/ gives (they call it badges).

even better if it was integrated into myalerts Smile

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