[tutorial] Add a view my posts or threads link to your welcome block
Thanks, this is really useful for big forums.
This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.
Try this:

<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php" id="search_menu">Search Post</a>
<div id="search_menu_popup" class="popup_menu" style="display: none;">
<div class="popup_item_container"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php?action=getnew" class="popup_item">New Posts</a></div>
<div class="popup_item_container"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php?action=getdaily" class="popup_item">Today's Posts</a></div>
<div class="popup_item_container"><a href="search.php?action=finduserthreads&uid={$mybb->user['uid']}" class="popup_item">View my threads</a></div>
<div class="popup_item_container"><a href="search.php?action=finduser&uid={$mybb->user['uid']}" class="popup_item">View my posts</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
if(use_xmlhttprequest == "1")
new PopupMenu("search_menu");
// -->

[Image: logo2.png]
Yet this forum doesn't have it... wow.
(2011-06-28, 12:59 AM)Jinkop Wrote: Yet this forum doesn't have it... wow.

Its modification not a default feature. You may install/modify in your MyBB forum if you want to use this.
I did this.
Check http://ub3rs.net/index.php
[Image: Kewlz.jpg]

^^ Click to check my rank. Big Grin
(2011-06-28, 06:48 AM)Yaldaram Wrote:
(2011-06-28, 12:59 AM)Jinkop Wrote: Yet this forum doesn't have it... wow.

Its modification not a default feature. You may install/modify in your MyBB forum if you want to use this.

This isn't a mod.

And it does. It's in the usercp.
This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.
This is a cool modification.. thanks
I want to see the thread member / user in this way. but, the code is placed in Post_Bit_Templates » postbit_author_user


I am sorry if this thread up again
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Bangga Menggunakan MyBB sebagai Forum Core Engine Big Grin
(2010-02-21, 02:46 AM)Tim B. Wrote: Its useful for your members to quickly view all their threads or posts so they can keep track of replies so this tutorial will show you how to easily add a link in your welcome block (where it says "View today's posts" and "Private messages") to these searches.

Firstly open the header_welcomeblock_member template by going:
ACP > Templates & Styles > Templates > Select template > Header templates > header_welcomeblock_member

To add a "View my threads" link add the following code to the bottom of the header_welcomeblock_member template:
| <a href="search.php?action=finduserthreads&uid={$mybb->user['uid']}">View my threads</a>

To add a "View my posts" link add the following code to the bottom of the header_welcomeblock_member template:
| <a href="search.php?action=finduser&uid={$mybb->user['uid']}">View my posts</a>

You can change the "View my posts" and "View my threads" in the code to something else if you prefer.

Hey, Im using this for "View my threads", and I wanted to add a second search, that results in all my threads I made in a certain category/forum (+ all subforums).

So generally a search that lists all threads of a user in a specified category/forum. Is that possible? Smile

Thank you
Thanks, Tim. This is just what I needed. In fact, I went a bit further by wrapping the code in <li> tags. That way, the new link had the same styling as the other links on that row.

(I realise I am posting this reply eight years late. I am a terrible procrastinator.)


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