Yes the problem was there was no index.php so I added an index.php file from the downloaded copy of mybb( though I installed the mybb from softaculous) and it all got very messy, no theme was working properly, I even installed a new theme but it did not work properly, so I created a theme(i.e. went back to the default). It is working for now, but another problem has appeared, I recently merged from a phpbb forum, everything was fine, the credentials imported were working, even I as an admin was logging in with my previous password which was on mybb as it got imported from there, and the new password which I used to create the mybb installation at first place from softaculous was not working, but after all mentioned above happened, the imported passwords are not working, and the password I used to create mybb installation is working.
I have turned the board off because I do not want my members to face this problem, by this way they will have to recover their account and I will get complaints and reports, which I do not want to.
Can you guys highlight what might be the problem here?
Here is a recap: I merged from phpbb3 to mybb > everything going well > account credentials from phpbb are moved/imported and working on mybb > I move from mybb directory to root of my domain and delete all phpbb files from root > still everything working fine > I remove softaculous installation of phpbb3 i.e delete databases etc. > I get the problem: no index.php > Some awesome guys help me here and I find out there is no index.php in my root > I download mybb and upload the index.php to my root > the index page is up but no theme is working > I remove all themes, create a new one to go back to the default... problem solved as of yet. I have not tried to add another theme to see if its all normal again or not.
Meanwhile after I add the new index.php the previous admin credential that came from merged phpbb3 stops working and I had to use the password that I used to create the mybb installation to login.
Now I dont want it to happen to my users from phpbb, so HELP?
I know its too long, but you can see its written up there by the admins that we need to tell all the details of the problem.
Thank you Matt and mmadhankumar once again. I'd appriciate more help though.