Thank You System with rep + MyAlerts
I'm testing a ew version of this plugin made by me.

Wel what new:

You can use this plugin bassed on Saeedgh plugin, but i add more tha one code opts and add new code to core files.

1.- You can use a hide tag as you wish, you can put what MyCode to use.
2.- When you thank, unthank uses AJAX technology.
3.- Add counter of thanks received on every post.
4.- Adding a desplegable list to show or hide contents, by default is on.
5.- You can select which forums to use, by id xD.
6.- You can select which users by id can see contents on hide tag.
7.- You can choice if you want to disable rep MyBB system, adding or not 1 point by default. You can use a new option to receive a message by rep on MyAlerts, because by default not works xD. 3 opt you can use, disabled uses MyBB rep and uses MyBB rep and Myalerts integration.
8.- Styleshets for every task.
9.- Plugin customizable as you wish.
10.- All plugin multilang available on every text, options and more.
11.- Recount System gives another chance to do this task whitout have any problem.
12.- You can use if you use a Saeedgh ThanYou System plugin.

Maybe can use more options but till now thats what this mod do.

You can see here


And download from github to test purposes, until release an official version xD.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x

Well i release new stable version and with functions:

This mod is here on mods site, i share with you, any question use the support forum xD. If i don't response or any, send me a P.M with url link to your thread and i answer to you as soon as i can.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x

Excellent idea! Thanks for contributing to the community. I especially like the MyAlerts support.
I like too but ajax functions doesn't work.
Yes it works fine for me, i have on my forum, one users told me about a redirection page, but he activated redirect pages on their forum.

I'm testig and fixing issues now, you can see on my forum plugin functionability and ajax works inded.

But i am working on ajax requets xD.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x

Only if i use hide tags?
[Image: 468x60_bf4brasil_site_zpsd7eefd7f.png]
Yes, you may to add whatever you want xD.

Use hide or lock or something you want to put hidden contents inside your thread. If thanks you add rep or del rep if button active to delete own thanked posts.

If you wanna add more things you can use Hide Content Until Reply, and this mod can hide attachments, hide tags, but only hide tag and urls. In this mod you can put as you wish what is the MyCode to hide contents until thanks.

In some forums i add some things about two plugins in one. HCUR & TMSR.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x

Well finally i have a test only for now, but it works fine withh some options, but on my forum i add to not xD, because i have to work on it, but AJAX now works fine, only i have to add some more vars and code, but ot works fine now xD, thanks to Saeedgh to bring us a new AJAX way and i do it with their mod adding some new things, but it works, xD...

See yah
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x

It don't work for me After i press thanks loader keep spining and the hiden link remain hiden if i refresh the page the thanks button is gone
That is because some things have chenged for 1.6.12, and the way to get data too, so i release new version fixing all errors, it's working on my forum without any kind of troubles. I release 2.3 version and it's better than 2.2.2 on github but both of them works perfect xD.

You ha to configure and see FAQ on my site to make it works, and can download since there, because i try to upload here, but i can't do this, but i do when them validate the review i send it since validation done.

10-08-2013. I send it this mod, and thread to suppor it but i still wait a message to make validate or not this support thread, until this happens i upload new version to make it all on order xD.
The only infinite thing is the universe and human stupidity, but the universe is not for sure

Plugins 1.6.x

Plugins 1.8.x


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