2014-01-29, 12:11 AM
Detailed description of your problem, including steps to reproduce if necessary: Basically the editor is broken. I can't really go into detail because I don't know much. I've seen a few threads with the same problem.
THIS THREAD says to Disable Rocket loader in Cloudfare if you use it, but I do not use cloudflare at all.
THIS THREAD says to edit the editor.js file, but when I went to edit it, it already had what he said to replace.
URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page: Neverland Gaming
New installation or upgrade?: New installation
Test user account: testaccount/testacc1
Screenshot or error text, verbatim:
PS: I really know much. I don't know much HTML but I know how to edit some stuff with it.
THIS THREAD says to Disable Rocket loader in Cloudfare if you use it, but I do not use cloudflare at all.
THIS THREAD says to edit the editor.js file, but when I went to edit it, it already had what he said to replace.
URL to your forum/URL to specific problematic page: Neverland Gaming
New installation or upgrade?: New installation
Test user account: testaccount/testacc1
Screenshot or error text, verbatim:
PS: I really know much. I don't know much HTML but I know how to edit some stuff with it.