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Not Solved [How To?] Change the color of the category cells and also make it transparent
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Hi i'm trying to make the cells of a category a gray and also make it transparent as i'm adding a custom background behind it. Here's what they look like now, any ideas?
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You could go to your forumbit_depth2_template and add borders to it.
Dunno if I understood that correct.
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i'm trying to figure the same thing..

can anyone help?
i'm trying to make the category cells transparent..

so you can see the background ty :/
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In your template config., search the "Inner Table Border Width" option, and set this to 0. That remove the space in each cell.

For the transparent gray background, you need to edit the classes ".trow1" and ".trow2", also some more for moderation options...

In each one, delete the current background property and put something like this:

Quote:background: rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.5);

First 150 (Red), Second 150 (Green), Third 150 (Blue), Fourth 0.5 (Alpha - Transparency)

Adjust this to your needs.
I don't give support on PM.

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