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[For 1.8] Quick Advanced Editor 6.1.2 (Show sceditor in quick reply and quick edit)
ok there are a lot of mac users on this forum I am working on, so its a big risk to break it.The pagination bug only happens if the editor is in source mode by default, so there is a way round it.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

Martec, I finally found a way to "fix" this.

The quick reply editor being in source mode was triggering the known bug in sceditor which is outside the scope of your plugin, and your plugin is not causing the behaviour.

The editor in the quick reply was set up to respect the choices in the user control panel. So - I made it so the quick reply editor does NOT respect the choice but is always in wysiwyg mode. This is a small price to pay as that is a single click to toggle and type, but if a user wants to edit then all other instances of the editor respect their choice.

In the codebutquick template I changed {$sourcemode} to MyBBEditor.sourceMode(false);

and it is fixed.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

(2015-01-31, 09:05 AM)Leefish Wrote: Martec, I finally found a way to "fix" this.

The quick reply editor being in source mode was triggering the known bug in sceditor which is outside the scope of your plugin, and your plugin is not causing the behaviour.

The editor in the quick reply was set up to respect the choices in the user control panel. So - I made it so the quick reply editor does NOT respect the choice but is always in wysiwyg mode. This is a small price to pay as that is a single click to toggle and type, but if a user wants to edit then all other instances of the editor respect their choice.

In the codebutquick template I changed {$sourcemode} to MyBBEditor.sourceMode(false);

and it is fixed.

i not like wysiwyg mode, so for me samclack fix is better
me neither, but this just works and i dont need to change mybb files and shuts up the users and I dont have to worry about iOS users getting an issue.
Random Fish and Sims Maniac
Help MyBBSupport help you - remember to mark your threads as solved

(2015-01-31, 04:23 PM)Leefish Wrote: me neither, but this just works and i dont need to change mybb files and shuts up the users and I dont have to worry about iOS users getting an issue.

but same fix is used in 1.46
(2015-01-05, 02:38 AM)niere8 Wrote:
(2015-01-05, 01:17 AM)martec Wrote:
(2015-01-05, 12:27 AM)niere8 Wrote: Replied to PM, maljkovik .

A question: but editor works on IE11? Because to me not, but Explorer 11 is recent like browser

what issue?
issue only in quick reply or happen too in new reply etc... ?

Only in quick reply

sorry for late reply...
i check here with IE11 but for me work fine...
or i don't understand correctly what issue...

if you want test check in

user: test
pass: test123

you need create account, but not required to activate... so create with fake credential to test...

posted to wrong thread. post can be deleted.
I have a strange behavior. Yesterday the Auto Save Draft function was working as usually. Today it simply does not work anymore. Nothing has been changed in templates or plugins installed. I have no idea what could have caused this,
V 6.1.2 released

Added undo plugin from mybb 1.8.4
This version require mybb 1.8.4 or above

If undo plugin not made difference for you, not need upgrade to this version.

To upgrade from old version, unistall old version first, upload new version and install.

Latest version not set stable by mybb team yet, so you need access link below to download latest version from Mybb Mods site

Version 6.1.2 language error ??
inc/plugins/quickadveditor.php line 54:


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