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[For 1.8] TSLink 1.3.3

Teamspeak control from MyBB.

Recently developed this plugin. Still have a few things to do, but it's in a stable working state.
Don't know how to upload it to the Mods section. Hope someone can help me with that Smile

Don't forget to make a Teamspeak Query user with enough usergroup add power to add users to the desired groups.

Download from the mods section:
I'm actually shocked more people haven't commented on this. I used a similar plugin with vbulletin's board prior and it was the reason I moved to the board to begin with.

Thank you for making this. I hope people who own guilds or teamspeaks will use this great plugin.
[Image: fbesig.png]

Hi Erich!

Thanks for your reaction! Smile
Much appreciated!
No problem!

With your plugin, is it possible to restrict groups from getting "registered" status on teamspeak?

I want registered users to retain "Guest" status and a group I assign to have "Registered" status on Teamspeak.
[Image: fbesig.png]

That's not possible at this moment.
I would have to code it.
At this moment every user who registers on the forum will get added to a group on teamspeak.
What you could do, is remove the group to be added from the config file and hide the menu from the usercp.
After that you could manually add users.
Ah ok I see. Will you be developing this plugin further? I'm very interested in it.
I use to use vbulletin and Neoob developed a plugin for TS3 that was just awesome.
[Image: fbesig.png]

This plugin crash my forum. When i try connect to the forum i have white page and i can't do anything -.-
(2015-01-14, 09:29 PM)erich199 Wrote: Ah ok I see. Will you be developing this plugin further? I'm very interested in it.
I use to use vbulletin and Neoob developed a plugin for TS3 that was just awesome.

I will be developing this plugin further, but at this moment I'm just wayyyy to busy. I will help by fixing bugs (if any) but don't expect new functionallities before March.

(2015-01-14, 11:08 PM)inferno211 Wrote: This plugin crash my forum. When i try connect to the forum i have white page and i can't do anything -.-

What have you done thus far? Did you put all the right settings in the config.sample.php? And did you rename it to config.php?
What does your server logging give as an error?
A white page means a php error. It should be logged.
(2015-01-15, 02:09 PM)fonta Wrote: [quote='erich199' pid='1132338' dateline='1421270970']
Ah ok I see. Will you be developing this plugin further? I'm very interested in it.
I use to use vbulletin and Neoob developed a plugin for TS3 that was just awesome.

I will be developing this plugin further, but at this moment I'm just wayyyy to busy. I will help by fixing bugs (if any) but don't expect new functionallities before March.

No worries at all. I'll be looking forward to the updates Smile
[Image: fbesig.png]

Updated to 1.2!

The plugin now uses 3 different statuses.
Download from

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