Not Solved Can some pls tell me how to CKEditor For MyBB
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When i extracted the zip folder

I have index.php and uploads.php
I cant upload the index.php directly into the public_html folder, it will replace my index page

same thing happen to the index in the upload folder

some should pls direct me on how to do it as not to mess up my site
Not Solved
No. You must to upload all files and folders from zip archive to the MyBB root (including 'ckeditor_upload' folder), not only the content of the "ckeditor_upload" folder.
[Image: zzz.jpg]
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Edit: much delayed response !

ckeditor.php file and folders to be uploaded to root folder (eg. public_html) of your MyBB files server.
ckeditor_upload folder with its contents should go in to your MyBB root folder (eg. public_html) ..
i.e. you actual MyBB index.php file / other files are not to be replaced ..
Not Solved
Thanks guys
I install it successfully and activated it on localhost but not working. I normally test those on localhost before i install it on my site

Is there anything i need to change for it to work

I want to add this so as not to be as be creating too much threads here

1 I need a socal sharing bottom, I tried addthis but couldnt get it to work.

  <!-- Go to to customize your tools -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" async></script>

  I posted it in my template at the show thread template -> showthread-> after


But didnt work

also i need smiley too

Just three things that i need

social media botton and

thanks Heart

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