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[For 1.8] MyBBlog v1.1.2
MyBBlog by Jones

MyBBlog is a simple blog system which allows you to create Articles, tag them and comment on them. In addition it's designed in a way which makes it easy for other developers to extend it.
MyBBlog uses JonesCore [More information]

Main Page (without articles)
Write an article
Article view
Article view (with a comment)
Main Page (with one article)
Settings page

Just upload all files into your forum and activate it in the ACP.
Steps to do this

Download, Support and Contact
Downloads: Support: only in this thread
Contact: just send me a pm Wink

HowTo update
MyBBlog makes use of JonesCore's update system
Support PMs will be ignored!
Demo or pics please
(2014-09-29, 11:45 AM)Jones H Wrote: Screenshots
Support PMs will be ignored!
Thanks Jones.

It is not disgraceful to ask, it is disgraceful no to ask.

sory for my english .
a simple plugin. plugin should be developed..
Traduzido para ptbr - Língua Brasileira.

 *Traduzido por dthiago ArnoldLayne-xXx
$l['mybblog'] = "Blog";
$l['mybblog_deactivated'] = "MyBBlog está desativado";

$l['mybblog_write'] = "Escrever Novo Artigo";
$l['edit'] = "Editar";

$l['mybblog_articles_none'] = "Sem artigos para procurar";
$l['mybblog_posted'] = "Criado{1} por {2}";
$l['mybblog_comments'] = "{1} Comentários";
$l['mybblog_tags'] = "Etiquetado por  {1}";

$l['mybblog_new_article'] = "Escrever Novo Artigo";
$l['mybblog_edit_article'] = "Editar Artigo";
$l['mybblog_title'] = "Título";
$l['mybblog_article_tags'] = "Etiquetas";
$l['mybblog_tags_desc'] = "Separados por vírgulas";
$l['mybblog_article'] = "Artigo";
$l['mybblog_article_submit'] = "Salvar Artigo";
$l['mybblog_article_written'] = "O artigo foi salvo!";

$l['mybblog_article_comments'] = "Comentários";

$l['mybblog_new_comment'] = "Escrever um novo comentário";
$l['mybblog_edit_comment'] = "Editar Comentário";
$l['mybblog_comment_submit'] = "Salvar Comentário";
$l['mybblog_comment_saved'] = "O comentário foi salvo!";

$l['mybblog_article_delete'] = "Excluir artigo \"{1}\" e todo dado assossiado?";
$l['mybblog_comment_delete'] = "Excluir comentário no artigo \"{1}\"?";
$l['mybblog_delete_confirm'] = "Você realmente deseja excluir o dado selecionado?";
$l['mybblog_deleted'] = "Dado selecionado excluído";

$l['mybblog_article_no_title'] = "O seu título é inválido";
$l['mybblog_article_no_content'] = "Você não inseriu um artigo";
$l['mybblog_article_no_tags'] = "Você precisa ,ao menos, uma etiqueta";
$l['mybblog_article_unknown'] = "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido ao salvar o seu artigo";

$l['mybblog_invalid_article'] = "O artigo especificado não existe";
$l['mybblog_invalid_comment'] = "O comentário especificado não existe";

$l['mybblog_comment_no_content'] = "Você não adicionou nenhum comentário";

$l['mybblog_tag_no_tag'] = "Etiqueta vazia";
[Image: 468x60_bf4brasil_site_zpsd7eefd7f.png]
here is a set of screenshots => (180KB)
Thanks m, I'll upload them in a second Wink
Support PMs will be ignored!
Hi, really excited about the possibilities for this on my own forums, I have just tried testing this on localhost installation but get this error when navigating to the mybblog.php page:

Quote:Fatal error: Call to undefined method templates::render() in C:\xampp\htdocs\mybb18\mybblog.php on line 24

That'd be for this line I think:
	$write = eval($templates->render("mybblog_write_bar"));

Sorry but my knowledge of this coding stuff is pretty much zero!

How do I fix that please, thank you so much for your time, I appreciate it very much.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Are you sure all MyBB files were uploaded correctly? Especially inc/class_templates.php? The function was introduced in 1.8
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