Is myBB parsing &hash=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks i give it a shot

BUT how do i do that if the image URL always changes?

i can probably used the php functions to get it done in templates

but the bbcode may be
This is also an answer to your post linked in your last post.
(2015-10-16, 04:53 PM)expat Wrote: so what s happening with this? Do i need a manual change?
what do i need to do to allow the "&" in the myCode?
This topic is just for the [url]-Tag when not starting the url with http(s):// , so it has nothing to do with your problem. If you still want to fix it, you have to change
$callback_mycode['url_complex2']['regex'] = "#\[url=([^\r\n\"<&\(\)]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si";
$callback_mycode['url_complex2']['regex'] = "#\[url=([^\r\n\"<\(\)]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si";
in /inc/class_parser.php line 309. (remove the &)

I think your problem is located in the script which should serve the images. Have you tried to call the url just in the adressbar?

Best Regards!

Btw: We can help you more, if we have an url of an example. If you like, you can also write me a PM with the link.
yes, it called to the error image if i paste the link into the address bar

btw, the other way is how to i hack the url parser to leave extensions jpeg|jpg|png|gif alone, and then parse that separately?
if it didn't work to call the image directly, the error is definitly in the image-handling-script and not in MyBB.

What do you mean "to leave extensions jpeg|jpg|png|gif alone, and then parse that separately?"? The image-Tag-parser searches for [img]-tags and converts them to <img>-Tags (the html-version of [img]). As far as I know, the URL is just copied and isn't changed.
well, if i put in an IMG URL directly then it will be convert into a URL link....i need it to ignore images....and then parse images independently
You mean, you enter just an image url, without [img]-Tags and they should be parsed as images? This should be possible, if he correctly detects the image.
yeah i cannot get this script to work with the i leave it

BUT i am interested in a IMG parser without using the IMG tag, can you help? adding a width=100% would make responsive
I have looked after the url-finder-regex and changed some bits. I have just tested the regex on their own and haven't tested them as MyCode. There shouldn't be security-issues with my regex, but maybe there are.

Try to input the followings as MyCode:
should be replaced with
<img src="$1" style="width: 100%">
should be replaced with
<img src="//$1" style="width: 100%">

I hope that works, I don't have time to debug problems. The Regex itself should work. In the MyCode insert-section in the Admin-CP, there is also an option to controll in which order, the MyCodes are parsed. Maybe you need to tweek there a bit, too.

Best Regards!
Its a bit more complicated but still possible. Basically you want to make use of the content creation hooks and parse the content. Something like this is a good starting point:

$content = 'My content yes, this contains an image';

$imageExtensions = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'];

foreach (explode(" ", $content) as $word) {
    // strlen($word) is there so that we don't even bother checking short strings
    if (strlen($word) >= 12 && filter_var($word, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
        foreach ($imageExtensions as $extension) {
            $pos = strpos(strtolower($word), ".".$extension);
            if ($pos) {
                $url = substr($word, $pos+strlen($extension)+1, 1);
                if ($url == '' || $url = '?') {
                    str_replace($word, '[img]'.$word.'[/img]', $content);

Make sure to define image extensions in lowercase.
[Image: axolis.png]

Project, Portfolio and Product management for freelancers.
SentoWebs Solution should work, too, but you will have to make an addon out of this. That isn't complicated for programmers, but it is for just-forum-administrators.

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