1st Time Developing a Plugin Support
I cant test it because I'm not using your forum theme, but this should work now:
*  Chrome Extension Plugin (/inc/plugins/ChromeExtension.php)
*  Author: Technologx
*  Copyright: © 2015 Technologx
*  Website: http://technologx.fulba.com
*  License: license.txt
*  Any codes in this plugin are copyrighted and not allowed to be reproduced.
*  Allows you to add a Chrome Extension Link on your website.

    die("This file cannot be accessed directly.");

// add hooks
$plugins->add_hook("global_start", "ChromeExtension_run");

function ChromeExtension_info()
    return array(
        "name"          => "Chrome Extension",
        "description"   => "Allows you to add a Chrome Extension Link on your website.",
        "website"       => "http://technologx.fulba.com",
        "author"        => "Technologx",
        "authorsite"    => "http://technologx.fulba.com",
        "version"       => "1.0",
        "guid"        	=> "",
        "compatibility"    => "*"

function ChromeExtension_activate()
    global $db;
    $insertarray = array(
        'name'			=> 'ChromeExtension', 
        'title' 		=> 'Chrome Extension', 
        'description' 	=> "Settings for Chrome Extension", 
        'disporder' 	=> 1, 
        'isdefault' 	=> 0
    $gid = $db->insert_query("settinggroups", $insertarray);
    // add settings

    $furl = array(
        "sid"            => NULL,
        "name"           => "ChromeExtensionURL",
        "title"          => "URL",
        "description"    => "Enter the Chrome Extension URL here.",
        "optionscode"    => "text",
        "value"          => "",
        "disporder"      => 1,
        "gid"            => intval($gid)

    $db->insert_query("settings", $furl);

    require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets("header", "#".preg_quote('{$pending_joinrequests}')."#i", "{\$pending_joinrequests}{\$cextension}");


function ChromeExtension_deactivate()
	global $db;

	require_once MYBB_ROOT."/inc/adminfunctions_templates.php";
	find_replace_templatesets("header", "#".preg_quote('{$cextension}')."#i", '', 0);

	$db->delete_query('settings', "name IN ('ChromeExtensionURL')");
	$db->delete_query('settinggroups', "name = 'ChromeExtension'");


function ChromeExtension_run()
	global $mybb, $templates,  $cextension;
	$cextension = '';
	   $cextension = '<br /><div align="center"><a href="'.$mybb->settings['ChromeExtensionURL'].'" target="_blank"><img src="'.$mybb->settings['bburl'].'/images/chrome.png" alt="chrome.png" /></a></div><br />';

Ok that seems to work better but it's showing a broken image on the front end along with giving a 403 when I test the button. You can tell me what I need to do to fix it. I don't want you to have to do all of the work.
Technologx Support Forum
Check out UPicMe there you can upload and share your pics!
Please give me a + If I've helped.
I found the problem and have edited my post above: http://community.mybb.com/thread-187055-...pid1200234
(2015-12-14, 08:51 PM)SvePu Wrote: I found the problem and have edited my post above: http://community.mybb.com/thread-187055-...pid1200234

Thank you and sorry I didn't expect you to do all the work.

Thank you man and I'm going to give you credit for this since you did pretty much all the coding.

This topic can be closed as the issue I was having has been fixed
Technologx Support Forum
Check out UPicMe there you can upload and share your pics!
Please give me a + If I've helped.

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