[WIP] - VectorCore - Material Design theme
I haven't, i'm still tweaking visual layout in order to match it with material design. Regarding bootstrap, or any other CSS framework, i have to take following things into consideration:

1. MyBB 1.8 is built upon HTML structure that is, by current standards, obsolete
2. Most plugins are relying on that html structure (tables !) and rewriting everything is time consuming (tables -> div / ul / span).
3. CSS frameworks are shipped with 8k lines of css code and 4 - 6 k lines of javascript code. If i'm not planning to use everything from that it's pointless to include the whole framework (increased time loading) in a theme.
(2016-04-06, 04:17 PM)Johnny S Wrote: I haven't, i'm still tweaking visual layout in order to match it with material design. Regarding bootstrap, or any other CSS framework, i have to take following things into consideration:

1. MyBB 1.8 is built upon HTML structure that is, by current standards, obsolete
2. Most plugins are relying on that html structure (tables !) and rewriting everything is time consuming (tables -> div / ul / span).
3. CSS frameworks are shipped with 8k lines of css code and 4 - 6 k lines of javascript code. If i'm not planning to use everything from that it's pointless to include the whole framework (increased time loading) in a theme.

BootStrap and Pure.css are (offhandedly) offered through CDN. As for the HTML structured comments, it's such a pain isn't it. Looking forward to what you're going to do with this!

- Index - http://i.imgur.com/jlCs3ER.png (New footer layout)
- User sidebar - http://i.imgur.com/1o5qKSc.png (Android L-sque)
The sidebar background is very attractive.
Pretty Theme .
(2016-04-09, 10:37 PM)Johnny S Wrote: Update:

- Index - http://i.imgur.com/jlCs3ER.png (New footer layout)
- User sidebar - http://i.imgur.com/1o5qKSc.png (Android L-sque)

Looking good! Smile
rly nice
I think it looks good keep up the good work.
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Check out UPicMe there you can upload and share your pics!
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After i got some free time i have updated few areas:
- UserCP http://i.imgur.com/ql0IxOk.png / http://i.imgur.com/k1XWCzD.png
- Postbit - http://i.imgur.com/P68HTqt.png / http://i.imgur.com/PHkdiQy.png (Profile card popup)
10/10 Would buy.

Any idea on an ETA for a test release?

I love the header block - it's exactly what I've been looking for.

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