White spaces between each topic.
Hello I am very new to developing themes. I just have a hopefully simple question about the whitespace in between the 2 categories? Can someone tell me where to look for setting the background color to black. Thanks!

Here is the link for the picture: https://gyazo.com/967eb59740015593fdd0d9393423e48b .

Thank you for your time   Heart
It looks like there is a bottom border set on the rows of forumbit_depth2_forum template under forumbit templates.
What goes around comes around
@Ashley1 , Thanks for the quick reply. I messed around with the template and it did not get me anywhere and remember I want to remove the white space (the body background is black). Can you please give me some guidance, Thanks.
You'll probably want to do something like this, or find the related CSS in global.css:

.trow1, .trow2 {
    border-bottom: 0;
Thank you so much! <3

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