WIP - My own private theme

This is a major edit of [For 1.8] Osmium - Free Flat MyBB Theme

I will be using this for an upcoming game server.

[Image: 93707e491623403d9d7192f8689f2a75.png]

[Image: dbf9fb3c1f1b424abc0330f351797527.png]

I took heavy inspiration from blizzards forums for this theme.

Staff avatars emit a glow that is the same color as their username.


Edited this plugin to display font-awesome values instead of images.

[Image: 569952edeff94a3499e073f837fe99b1.png]
[Image: 04768368fac148c1a33da88eaa5825ed.png]
more updates today

added search bar to footer since its rarely used

[Image: c5d340eeedc541bab3c9efccbf6ea0f6.png]

added a dropdown for external links

[Image: e04d9551185443968cebbcf192b62cb2.png]
Looks pretty nice! I like the concept especially that most of the elements have low opacity.
Anyways for the FA plugin, are you willing by anyway to release/sell it?
That's neat. Maybe also darken the background as it can be quite distracting.
Name's Waleed, I'm a graphic and web design (2015) graduate from Canada. Self-employed and lending my design skills to the MyBB community.
Nice design, looks good Smile
I don't like the image of that planet at bottom.
- MyBB Heart
(2016-12-26, 11:35 PM)Krados Wrote: Anyways for the FA plugin, are you willing by anyway to release/sell it?

Basic implementation with this plugin is fairly easy without very many edits..., though seeing as this plugin does not deal with on/off states..., you would have to do alot more edits to get that to function properly with this plugin and FA... of which I am clearly no going to cover in this simple basic DIY implementation

But if you want really basic implementation "DIY", here is what you do:

In myforumicons.php


find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", "#".preg_quote("id=\"mark_read_{\$forum['fid']}\"></span>")."#i", "id=\"mark_read_{\$forum['fid']}\" {\$forum['myforumicon_override']}></span>{\$forum['myforumicon']}");

Add after:

find_replace_templatesets("headerinclude", '#{\$stylesheets}(\r?)\n#', "{\$stylesheets}\n<link href=\"{\$mybb->asset_url}/inc/plugins/myforumicons/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n");

In myforumicons.php


find_replace_templatesets("forumbit_depth2_forum", "#".preg_quote(" {\$forum['myforumicon_override']}></span>{\$forum['myforumicon']}")."#i", "></span>");

add after:
    find_replace_templatesets("headerinclude", '#<link href=\"{\$mybb->asset_url}/inc/plugins/myforumicons/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">(\r?)\n#', "", 0);

Still in In myforumicons.php


$forum['myforumicon'] = "<img src=\"{$icon_path}\" alt=\"{$forum['name']}\" />";

replace with something like:
$forum['myforumicon'] = "<i style=\"font-size: 30px; display: inline-block !important;line-height: 50px !important;\" class=\"forum_{$forum['fid']} fa {$icon_path}\" aria-hidden=\"true\" alt=\"{$forum['name']}\" title=\"{$forum['name']}\"></i>";

To produce something like this:
[Image: nyfdpl.png]

In forum_management_myforumicons.lang.php

$l['forum_icons'] = "Custom Forum Icon";
$l['forum_icons_desc'] = "The path to the custom icon to use for this forum. If you want to use different icons for different themes, please use <strong>{theme}</strong> to represent the image directory of each theme.";

Replace with:
$l['forum_icons'] = "Font Awesome Icon";
$l['forum_icons_desc'] = "The CSS name for the font awesome icon. For example: fa-comments";

to produce this:
[Image: 2gtur60.png]

So that it is no reliant on an external font-awesome link this included font-awesome within the plugin so...

now in inc/plugins folder
create a folder called myforumicons and place font-awesome folder with font-awesome files within it



.zip   MyForumIcons_Basic_FA.zip (Size: 576.39 KB / Downloads: 162)

I actually have a fully functioning non basic version that I will release shortly though due to my laptop battery power needing to be charged I have yet to finish up the last few things:

On/off works, subforum icons etc all work via the forums management

Update: as promised..., here is the initial  implementation of the fully functioning non basic version..., I have not had much time to spend on it further t the moment due to lack of battery on my laptop..., but it gets the job done as is...

[Image: 2udvpms.png]

[Image: 2ljir.png]


Lets you implement custom Font-Awesome icons for your forums.

Created by Ethan DeLong & Vintagedaddyo

This is a highly modified version of the plugin: MyForumIcons - Custom Forum Icons by Ethan DeLong

Specifically modified by Vintagedaddyo for Font-Awesome implementation after several user requests for something of the sort.

This will allow you to add custom Font-Awesome icons for your forums.

You can specify a css name to your forum's custom font-awesome icon by going to the ACP => Forum Management => Edit Forum.

.zip   MyFontAwesomeIcons.zip (Size: 578.16 KB / Downloads: 144)
dont you think it ll be more great  if font-awesome and image option both are available ?

how about font size adding font colour and size option ?
Wait people need a plugin to add fontawesome to their forum (which you can paste the link in the headinclude template) or is it something far different? I understand a plugin to add the icons to the forums which could be challenging for many, but adding the font icons is actually really simple in basic standards.
Best Regards,

[Image: ppadbanner.gif]
(2017-01-04, 06:28 PM)robbie626 Wrote: Wait people need a plugin to add fontawesome to their forum (which you can paste the link in the headinclude template) or is it something far different? I understand a plugin to add the icons to the forums which could be challenging for many, but adding the font icons is actually really simple in basic standards.

Obviously as already stated it was a requested item hence the share.., also this eliminates the need for user whom may feel uncomfortable making the manual edits and is made to be easy for them.., being that you can edit individual forums and sub forums directly from forum management on the fly similar to ficons option without the need to manually edit your css files and such..., for the more experienced user yes this may appear as an unnecessary plugin.., but for the fact it was requested and also the more experienced users often underestimate the needs of less experienced  users by seeing little use in things that may make their learning curve transition more comfortable. The objective is always to increase the user base of our community is it not? Besides, even some experienced users may find use in the share. The request was fulfilled.., if not needed then by all means dont use it. Simply put.

(2017-01-04, 12:38 PM)mujeebdgk Wrote: dont you think it ll be more great  if font-awesome and image option both are available ?

how about font size adding font colour and size option ?

The initial objective was to fill a request.., and that basically was completed. The plugin is separate from the images options and I do not plan on combining them as it is more optimal at this present juncture to keep as two separate entities.., possible color styling implementation might be considered but currently seeing as it adds its own stylesheet you could edit that if needed.., if I decide to focus more of my current limited time on what considered initially as a quick request fill.., that has been completed.., I will for sure consider such improvements and suggestions a to such a time.

* On the images with fa topic..., well you could install ForumsIcons_1.2
 first and only after that, then proceed to install


for an example:
[Image: 2ii7w28.png]
Damn didnt expect my thread to turn into this. Sadly I stopped this project and abandoned the theme. It never worked correctly on mobile anyway.

If staff could close that would be nice.

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