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[For 1.8] Advanced Private Message Notice
In that case it's nothing to do with the plugin, sounds like you've just turned the notice off. Check it's enabled in your User CP Options.
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Can you still feel the butterflies?

Free never tasted like pudding.
Good plugin, with a few edits, this could be put into a drop down to show latest messages right? I don't need the code, just wondering if it could be done. Smile
Does anyone know what the code bit is and what template it should be in?  I can't find it in my old templates to add to my new theme... Blush
MyBB 1.8.38
All about guns, knives and gear!
Consider adding the collapse feature to the box.
@RocketFoot , this plugin uses global templates. no changes are required in the templates of individual themes.

@labrocca , you can easily add required collapse & expand code into advancedpmnotice template

eg. code [may not be the perfect]
<table border="0" cellspacing="{$theme['borderwidth']}" cellpadding="{$theme['tablespace']}" class="tborder">
		<td class="thead" colspan="5"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/private.php"><strong>{$lang->advancedpmnotice_header}</strong></a><div class="expcolimage"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/collapse{$collapsedimg['indexapm']}.png" id="indexapm_img" class="expander" alt="{$expaltext}" title="{$expaltext}"></div></td>
	<tbody style="{$collapsed['indexapm_e']}" id="indexapm_e"> 
		<td class="tcat" width="20%" align="left">{$lang->advancedpmnotice_subject}</td>
		<td class="tcat" width="50%" align="left">{$lang->advancedpmnotice_message}</td>
		<td class="tcat" width="10%" align="center">{$lang->advancedpmnotice_from}</td>
		<td class="tcat" width="15%" align="center">{$lang->advancedpmnotice_date}</td>
		<td class="tcat" width="5%" align="center">{$lang->advancedpmnotice_controls}</td>
(2017-12-14, 06:51 AM)labrocca Wrote: Consider adding the collapse feature to the box.

Will add to next release, thanks for the suggestion.
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Can you still feel the butterflies?

Free never tasted like pudding.

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