Not Solved IMG in header.
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Hello again. I have this forum and i want to put an entre image in logo header .

This is header 

In header i want to put this but i want to be behind the forum buttos (Home,FOrums,etc). How can i do this ?
Not Solved
Hi there and thanks for asking. The steps to do this are as followed;

1) Open your AdminCP and login if you aren't already.
2) Open the templates and styles tab.
3) Click templates in the sidebar.
4) Open the template set for your theme.
5) Open the subtemplate set for headers
6) Open the header template. By default you'll see something like this:
[Image: lrackl.png]
7) You'll need to adjust the line that states, ,
"<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"><img src="{$theme['logo']}" alt="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" title="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" /></a>"
"<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/"><img src="link-to-your-image" alt="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" title="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}"style="min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%;" /></a>",
and put above the the wrapper and logo "div"s. This will allow your image to be a full header.
8) I also recommend uploading the image to your webserver and not hotlinking to Imgur. Doing this on bigger sites unfairly takes away a lot of money away from Imgur as they're behind the Fastly CDN which costs between $0.12 and $0.28 per GB.

Did this resolve your issue?

Also I noticed that you were using the same theme, or a very similar theme, to RaidForums, did you buy a license to use the theme? Keep in mind that the MyBB Support Eligibality Policy does not allow people to use unlicensed code, themes, etc.
Software Engineer specializing in C# Program Development
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I don't have the code you told me.

This is my header.

<div class="smenu slide-menu-top">
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<div class="header">

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Not Solved
You should put the code in code tags:
[ code ] [ / code ] (Don't include the spaces)

This makes it easier for us to read through everything.
Software Engineer specializing in C# Program Development
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I'm not understand....please can you make me the header and put the script right there ?

UP!Please can someone help me !!

UP! Please can someone help me..

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