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Not Solved [How To?] How to fix logged in issue
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Having login issue.

Visiting site to gpway.net opens the site but not logged, actually I am looged with www.gpway.net

I had same problem and fixed by correcting to setting.php file. This time it happen again, I looked for the answer and found I have to enter cookiedomain currently.

It was
$settings['cookiedomain'] = ".www.gpway.net";

After reading the post I changed it to
$settings['cookiedomain'] = ".gpway.net";
Because I am using www.gpway.net for the board. So please tell me what should I use for www version.
Not Solved
The setting .gpway.net will work for both, but you should really add a redirect so you can't access the site both with and without www., choose whether you want it or not and redirect to that.
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