myspace like profiles?
Well I was really hoping for someone who is active in the MyBB community and already posting their own mods.. but oh well thanks for the suggestions Smile
Hey there,

I'm writing something like this as a part of my updates for WiiLoaded at the moment. When I am eventually finished I may release it in some form as a MyBB Plugin.

You might have to wait a bit, though, because I'm going to release all of the updates for WiiLoaded at once. EtA is dependant on the 1.4 release though, so you may want to find someone else anyway.
SWEET so when is the update dude
I stated in the post you replied to that the update Release is dependant on the release of MyBB 1.4
Ok but not here on wiiloaded
King Damion try and read the thread again..

btw darkdragoon...don't depend on 1.4 for your time frames...I get the feeeling we aren't even close to a 1.4 release. At least that's the impression I am getting. I have started to go ahead with more development as I can't wait 6-12 months for just doesn't appear like it's around the corner.
Oh, don't worry, I'm writing code all the time, I'm just skipping all the bits I think I'd have to re-do when 1.4 arrives.

If it gets to the point when I have nothing left to do, then I'll release it on 1.2 and then just patch up when 1.4 turns up
Are u done with it yet
King Damion Wrote:Are u done with it yet
We can safely assume not.

Maybe you should try this:
labrocca Wrote:King Damion try and read the thread again..
[Image: sig.php]
The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn't.
oh my.. I'm glad that someone is doing something about this.. I'm quite excited Big Grin

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