Quote:That statement comes across as being hypocritical because you had stated that one of the reasons why you HAD to upgrade last year from 1.6.xx to 1.8.xx was due to security issues with the older version of MyBB.
(2018-09-01, 09:10 PM)labrocca Wrote: But now I speak from first-hand knowledge. That's not hypocritical, that's experience. I'd also like to see where I stated that I had to ugprade due to security issues with MyBB. Because I mainly updated to try and keep up with MyBB branch not because I felt there was any clear security risk running 1.6x. I did want to make sure that I didn't go so far out of touch with branch that I would lose out on updates and features. Also I was concerned about PHP standards. I wanted to keep PHP updated but at some point 1.6x might not work on PHP 7. So that could be the security issue I was concerned about. I also planned on a responsive design but I thought (incorrectly too I'll add) that it would be easier to do on 1.8x.
All in one breath, you said that it wasn't a security issue, then you say that it was. So... which is it?
Again, as I stated before, the support for the older MyBB versions will probably go away, not of MyBB's doing, but of the old versions of PHP being deprecated and no longer supported. It only makes sense for MyBB's newer software to support the new PHP versions.
Quote:That's a DUMB idea because there are a ton of security issues with older versions.
(2018-09-01, 09:10 PM)labrocca Wrote: Most of the security risks I face now are related to changes in 1.8x. I was running 1.6x for many years and had very few exploits reported to me. I thought I'd be safer waiting for a higher version in the 1.8x branch and so I did 1.8.10 (I think) but immediately found many bugs and exploits in the 1.8x branch that did not exist in 1.6x. Things were broken which previously worked. I can't say that there has been many new features added that made it worth it.
Even right now I refuse to ugprade to 1.8.18 because just the minor upgrades break too much stuff and are unreliable. Updates are suppose to fix problems not cause more.
Your refusal to upgrade is silly. Most of the upgrades to resolve security issues were easily fixed.
I ought to know this because my admin found a lot of these vulnerabilities/exploits which were fixed with a few pieces of code.
You have plenty of staff on your website that could have easily fixed those issues without experiencing little or no downtime of your website.
Quote:Also, MyBB 1.9.xx version is coming down the pike soon
(2018-09-01, 09:10 PM)labrocca Wrote: lol, our definitions of "soon" must be vastly different.
Ultimately I do not recommend someone running a heavily modified site in the 1.6x branch to upgrade to 1.8x. They should get latest 1.6x version and pay attention to security fixes and manually patch their forums. OP sounds like he already has trouble. Doing the upgrade is going to be an issue for him.
Have you noticed that there haven't been any security fixes specifically for the 1.6.xx series in
Manually patch one's own website?
Didn't you try that last year? How well did that turn out for you?
We all know that you experienced a lot of issues when you finally upgraded your website from 1.6.xx to 1.8.xx last year.
Not upgrading MyBB for 6 years (or was that 7 years) is of your own doing and no one else.
You have no one to blame, but yourself.
However, giving advise to someone NOT to upgrade to 1.8.18 is still foolish regardless of your rationale.
(to avoid "hijacking" this thread, I will not comment further on this)
(2018-09-01, 09:10 PM)labrocca Wrote: Quote:-- SNIP --
Resorting to insulting me in PM is really a class act on your part. (
Stooping down to a low level of insulting people in PMs is really stupid.
Then, you put my username on your ignore list immediately after you insulted me in a PM shows your true colors.
Good job.