Not enough info based on that screenshot - but could well be.
You have the IP in human readable format using an account with the appropriate permissions. Closer inspection in your sessions table might be in order. Something like:
SELECT INET6_NTOA(ip), from_unixtime(time), `uid`,`location`, `location1`,`location2`,`useragent` FROM `mybb_sessions`WHERE TRIM(INET6_NTOA(ip)) LIKE 'user-ip-address' ORDER BY from_unixtime(time) DESC;
Replace "user-ip-address" with your user's IP in dotted decimal format.
Run against your sessions table (SQL section) in phpmyadmin. Be interesting to see what the useragent says - although only 'good' bots tend to uniquely identify themselves. Where else that IP visits would be nice to know too. Lot of bots are just hoovering up whatever they can can crawl.
I personally would be curious about the IP and subnet. Something like Cleantalk might give more info in that respect. Also, your web instance logs will have more complete information - if you're used to looking through those. But your sessions table info is easy to dig out.
Does seem a little strange - I'd look into it a bit more if it was our board.