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[AJAX] ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics 1.0.1
my forum is
and i have deactivated this plugin currently....
^ this plugin is no longer supported. why not use compatible plugin for MyBB 1.8.x .. [ProStats | Top Stats]
Yes m, prostats is already installed and working...Smile
I install this plugin in 1.8.4 and worked correctly

what's your problem?
^ deactivate & reactivate it (once / twice) and see if there is any problem ..
Is that worked in latest version of mybb???
This is problem after activated this plugin
[Image: f8c21f5cb2962da2d60a159424ace4fe.png]
Sorry for my bad english  Toungue
This works for MyBB 1.8.x...

ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics 1.0.2 Mods Link
By: ChangUonDyU & updated by Vintagedaddyo

Original release thread: [AJAX] ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics 1.0.1 by: ChangUonDyU 04-16-2009, 05:15 AM 2009


- Display latest posts in all forum and in specific forums. Auto Refresh using AJAX

- Display Topx: Top posters, newest members, top thanked, most views thread, hottest thread (most reply thread), most popular forum. Choose by Select Menu

- Choose result (by select menu)

Plugin Installation:

- Upload files


- Goto admincp > Plugins > active ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics

- Edit index template



Add below:

<br />    
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/inc/plugins/changstats/prototype.js?ver=1603"></script>
<br />
* note: you can choose to move that anywhere in the index page if you want hence why currently no automatic index template edit was included in the plugin.


Settings Location Instruction:

To change options:

Goto AdminCP > Configuration > Settings > ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics

Current localization:

- english
- englishgb
- espanol
- french
- italiano

ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics works well with Thanks plugin. You can download the latest version of Thanks (compatible with MyBB 1.8) from the link below: (Mirror 1)

Latest: ( Mods site )

You can get ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics 1.0.2 here: Mods Link


[Image: w1pqxl.png]

[Image: 10gbll1.png]
This user has been denied support. This user has been denied support.

I'm using the latest MyBB.

I followed the steps and have installed the plugin but it doesn't show anything and keeps on loading.

Any help?


(2019-03-30, 06:00 PM)kbilly Wrote: Hello!

I'm using the latest MyBB.

I followed the steps and have installed the plugin but it doesn't show anything and keeps on loading.

Any help?



sorry for the delay in response, but, I have been away from mybb dealing with other life issues as of late. Also in the future please post plugin support request via the plugin support forums as I do not read the release forums very much, hence also a reason behind the extended response delay.

If you are using ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics 1.0.2 and follow the directions correctly it does work.

This part of the instructions is rather important:

- Goto admincp > Plugins > active ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics

- Edit headerinclude template

* Now previously the instructions added prototype to the index page but a few users reported that it broke the modal on index so the quick solution was to add prototype to the headerinclude template before any of the jquery includes.

In headerinclude add this before the jquery includes:
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->asset_url}/inc/plugins/changstats/prototype.js?ver=1603"></script>

NOTE: This is rather important and must be placed before any jquery includes:

* if this is confusing as it has been for some users, perhaps try viewing this:

you can then modify the tabs for specific forums via configuration for example by default:

Home » Board Settings » ChangUonDyU - Advanced Statistics

Order1 title|1,2,5
Order2 title|21,15,7
Order3 title|14

Modified for example:

Tab 1|1,2
Tab 2|3,4
Tab 3|5,6

Also note that changstats is meant to work with thanks plugin:

Also NOTE: I just tried on a brand new localhost with fresh mybb 1.8.20 installation to see if the issue is present for me and by following the instructions correctly and then inputting via admincp settings for the plugin as far as selected forums for the Order1 title , Order2 title, Order3 title tabs, it seems to be all good, ie: cannot reproduce if installed correctly?

Example Index working correctly:
[Image: zodook.png]

Example of plugin configuration to add the order1 title, order2 title, and order3 title, specific forums:

[Image: wmkv4p.jpg]

*** Final note: if you find that you are having difficulty still or this turns out to not be what you want you could also try a few others with similar concept I have on the mods site:

Prostats (works with thanks plugin also)

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