2010-07-13, 02:01 PM
I really think that i must shime in here...
First the plugin is actually not available on MyBBCodes because it needed some modifications and it would be one of the two Babjusi plugins made available for free when it will be completed.
But when you write "So now this plugin is owned and sold by myBBcodes", this is not true, because it was not available even for subscribers since i acquired Babjusi plugins.
Honestly there were three plugins from Babjusi that were excluded on MyBBCodes.com, the "State Flags Plugin", the "Country Flags" and the "Real and fake users at the 24 hour users online list". The two first ones because they had to eventualy be moved in a free section and the last one that will never be available because "This plugin is against our ethics, as we will not provide any plugin that will surely be used to lie in statistics or doing anything dishonest...".
So i hope that these explanations will aleviate any tensions here.
First the plugin is actually not available on MyBBCodes because it needed some modifications and it would be one of the two Babjusi plugins made available for free when it will be completed.
But when you write "So now this plugin is owned and sold by myBBcodes", this is not true, because it was not available even for subscribers since i acquired Babjusi plugins.
Honestly there were three plugins from Babjusi that were excluded on MyBBCodes.com, the "State Flags Plugin", the "Country Flags" and the "Real and fake users at the 24 hour users online list". The two first ones because they had to eventualy be moved in a free section and the last one that will never be available because "This plugin is against our ethics, as we will not provide any plugin that will surely be used to lie in statistics or doing anything dishonest...".
So i hope that these explanations will aleviate any tensions here.
MyBBCodes.com owner/administrator
" It is not what you know that matters, it is what you do or do not do!"
We have currently 175+ MyBB Exclusive Plugins, 80+ MyBB Compatible MyCodes
" It is not what you know that matters, it is what you do or do not do!"
We have currently 175+ MyBB Exclusive Plugins, 80+ MyBB Compatible MyCodes