I am no longer supporting this plugin as I will be releasing a more advanced plugin, "MyPublisher" to replace this one.
Version 1.2 has been uploaded to the Mods site and is awaiting validation
1) Added checks for thread is visible. Previous versions tweeted even if new thread was moderated.
2) Changed hooks to work from post datahandler rather than new thread page. This allows plugin to work with RSS2Post and similar plugins that operate directly with the post handler and Tweet new threads such plugins/tasks may create
3) Added support to not tweet new threads that get saved to draft until they do get posted as new
1) Added support for announcements made through ACP. Does not support announcements through ModCP as there is no hook support for simple implementation.
2) Added support for moved threads. Threads moved via any inline moderation, whether mulitple via forumdispaly.php or singly through showthread.php and the target forum is Tweeted, then all moved threads will be sent to Twitter.
3) Changed icon to nicer PNG file
Send new thread subjects to Twitter. This one uses the oAuth authentication that Twitter will be requiring starting in August. oAuth does work now, its just that previous methods will not be supported afterwards.
ThreadTweet supports:
oAuth authentication
Specific forums to tweet via CSV list
Tweet new threads and those moved into specified forums
Tweet announcements made through ACP
Index page indicators that show what forums are being tweeted
Support to convert keywords in subject to hashtags
Supports RSS2Post and similar feed readers
using oAuth does require some additional setup on the Twitter account. Please see the README.txt inclosed with the plugin package
= Version: 1.2
= License: GNU/GPL v3
= New Files: 5
= New Folders: 1
= Changed files: 0
Upgrade instructions:
Due to additional settings, this upgrade requires deactivation of the old plugin, replacement of the files (both plugin file and addition of new image file) and activation of the new plugin.
As such, existing plugin users will need to goto the ACP and save the consumer key, consumer secret, token and secret values in the threadTweet settings prior to deactivating the original plugin. Reenter these values after activating the new version.
Snapshots below show forum indicators (image provided with package) and the ACP settings page
Version 1.2 has been uploaded to the Mods site and is awaiting validation
1) Added checks for thread is visible. Previous versions tweeted even if new thread was moderated.
2) Changed hooks to work from post datahandler rather than new thread page. This allows plugin to work with RSS2Post and similar plugins that operate directly with the post handler and Tweet new threads such plugins/tasks may create
3) Added support to not tweet new threads that get saved to draft until they do get posted as new
1) Added support for announcements made through ACP. Does not support announcements through ModCP as there is no hook support for simple implementation.
2) Added support for moved threads. Threads moved via any inline moderation, whether mulitple via forumdispaly.php or singly through showthread.php and the target forum is Tweeted, then all moved threads will be sent to Twitter.
3) Changed icon to nicer PNG file
Send new thread subjects to Twitter. This one uses the oAuth authentication that Twitter will be requiring starting in August. oAuth does work now, its just that previous methods will not be supported afterwards.
ThreadTweet supports:
oAuth authentication
Specific forums to tweet via CSV list
Tweet new threads and those moved into specified forums
Tweet announcements made through ACP
Index page indicators that show what forums are being tweeted
Support to convert keywords in subject to hashtags
Supports RSS2Post and similar feed readers
using oAuth does require some additional setup on the Twitter account. Please see the README.txt inclosed with the plugin package
= Version: 1.2
= License: GNU/GPL v3
= New Files: 5
= New Folders: 1
= Changed files: 0
Upgrade instructions:
Due to additional settings, this upgrade requires deactivation of the old plugin, replacement of the files (both plugin file and addition of new image file) and activation of the new plugin.
As such, existing plugin users will need to goto the ACP and save the consumer key, consumer secret, token and secret values in the threadTweet settings prior to deactivating the original plugin. Reenter these values after activating the new version.
Snapshots below show forum indicators (image provided with package) and the ACP settings page
Lost interest, sold my sites, will browse here once in a while. It's been fun.