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[For 1.6] Force Password Change 1.2
This plugin allows an admin to force a certain user or usergroup(s) to change their password using the MyBB change password form.

- Compatible with 1.6 only.
- Language compatible.
- No data loss upon deactivation.
- No added security risk (uses MyBB change password form).
- Installation instructions in read me file contained in ZIP.

Download: or Attached

Also been put on GitHub:

Feel free to fork it, add code and make a pull request.

Please post here for support or if you have any questions. Smile


Updated to be compatible with MyBB 1.6.5

Added usergroup support. Admins can now force one or more usergroups to change their password.
Approved. Looks like an awesome plugin Toungue
Might use it sometime.

Perhaps also make something that lets you choose user groups to reset?
That way if for some reason security was compromised you could ask them to reset their passwords Smile
Thanks, Polarbear541
(2010-08-30, 05:25 PM)Polarbear541 Wrote: Perhaps also make something that lets you choose user groups to reset?
That way if for some reason security was compromised you could ask them to reset their passwords Smile

That's on my list of things to add over time. But being my first plugin, I wanted to test the water before jumping in feet first as it were.

I can't wait for the group settings option. I think it would be quite helpfull to merge system users.
I'm not here often, shoot a PM or whatever if you want my discord.
UPDATED: Version 1.1 - added usergroup support.
Looks like MyBB are taking a while to approve my plugin, so I'm attaching the ZIP to the first post.
Approved on the mods site and added link to first post. Smile
Cheers AJS! Smile
I'm working on 1.2. Here's what's included so far:

- Proper administrator logging with language support.
- Added admin permissions support, "Can force password changes" now appears under Users&Groups in admin permissions.

Anything else this plugin is missing?
You forgot to change the version number from 1.0 to 1.1 in forcepwchange.php, function forcepwchange_info().
Cheers, aussenboarder

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