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[For 1.6] Upcoming Events
No ideas?
I guess it's because the 'Show on' settings are ducked up - portal setting is for index, and index for portal.

Also why aren't birthdays shown? This could be as setting - to show birthdays or not.

Except these issues, really nice plugin.
Love the idea of this plugin...

I have it installed and set up. I'm only showing events on my Index page, not the Portal.

It seems to be working to a certain extent, but only one event is listed even though there are several in the calendar within the range I set (3 days, 10 events for now).

This might be a clue, although I haven't checked closely: I believe the events that are NOT showing are recurring events, whereas the event that is showing is non-recurring.

Any thoughts?
Recurring events don't show on this. Anyone got a possible fix for it?
Founder of Surreal, proud MyBB user for 8 years!
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Hi, very good plugin! I have one request: how can I put the "Upcoming Events" list in a box in the sidebar on the index, as in the portal? I use Sideboxes Plus for sidebar.

In my forum I don't use {$boardstats}.

Thank you in advance
Add {$upcoming_events} to custom sideboxes code. Not sure if it will work thought, but should as it is on index.
It doesn't work, doesn't appear Sad Perhaps it is connected to the template of the index (boardstats)
It isn't connected to the boardstats template, I've moved it to another place on index. But you need to select 'Show on portal' instead 'Show on index', they're switched.

It doesn't work in custom boxes but still can put in sidebar. Find {$sb_additional} (or any other {$sb_xxx}) in index template, add after/before it:
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>Upcoming Events</strong></td>
</tr>{$upcoming_events}</table><br />
This plugin would be useful (to me) if there would be an easy way to add holidays to the calendar.
I fold for team 52482. Do you fold?
(2012-08-06, 04:25 PM)Destroy666 Wrote: It isn't connected to the boardstats template, I've moved it to another place on index. But you need to select 'Show on portal' instead 'Show on index', they're switched.

It doesn't work in custom boxes but still can put in sidebar. Find {$sb_additional} (or any other {$sb_xxx}) in index template, add after/before it:
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="tborder">
<td class="thead"><strong>Upcoming Events</strong></td>
</tr>{$upcoming_events}</table><br />

Thank you very much! Big Grin it's ok
+1 rep

This plugin would be better if when I click on link event I go directly in the post of the forum and not in calendar

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