2011-06-16, 11:27 AM
I have tried and dont know how to get the NewPoints Store to work at all.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'xxxx.mybb_newpoints_shop_categories' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM mybb_newpoints_shop_categories ORDER BY disporder ASC
I have placed all the files in the correct categories from the plugin, languages, etc.
any help on all would be appreciated.
Site: http://www.elitemodders.co.cc/forums/
If you are will to help I created an admin account so you can help etc.
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.
SQL Error:
1146 - Table 'xxxx.mybb_newpoints_shop_categories' doesn't exist
SELECT * FROM mybb_newpoints_shop_categories ORDER BY disporder ASC
I have placed all the files in the correct categories from the plugin, languages, etc.
any help on all would be appreciated.
Site: http://www.elitemodders.co.cc/forums/
If you are will to help I created an admin account so you can help etc.
be sure to visit our site if your a gamer!!!