MyBB Community Forums

Full Version: More Blog updates please
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A lot of communities have a news network that could cover these things monthly or bi weekly. Maybe setup a subforum and appoint people who are trusted in the community and write good articles.
I can see this suggestion/discussion just simply being ignored and not answered. Everyone here practically wants this, I'm unsure the reasons against having a section dedicated to this type of activity.
(2012-05-27, 09:26 PM)Anxiety Wrote: [ -> ]I can see this suggestion/discussion just simply being ignored and not answered. Everyone here practically wants this, I'm unsure the reasons against having a section dedicated to this type of activity.

There was a large internal discussion about this. We don't ignore suggestions, we have no reason to...

At the moment this isn't a huge priority. The release of 1.8 will give us a chance to make adjustments to the community and to make it a better one at that.

This hasn't been forgotten and further discussion is needed by the team.
I don't mean ignored completely I mean us receiving feedback. I never got any answer to my "forum of the month" suggestion which was popular with this community, lol.
Anxiety, I had made such a suggestion literally years ago, haha

It's always struck me as weird how ambivalent the MyBB staff is towards actual community building outside of software development.
As much as I like the staff I have to agree here. They make great software but as far as being an actual community goes, it's a bit lackluster. I personally love Kier's posts about new features around XF, it's not exactly the same as what's being asked for here, but it's still pretty neat imo.
I eagerly await 3 things from MyBB.
  1. MyBB 1.8
  2. MyAlerts
  3. The outcome of this thread

Thanks for acknowledging us! I hope to hear more soon.
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