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Full Version: Count Forum Viewers (Problem)
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No that doesn't cause any problem.. probably before you were just using wrong plugin file or some files were different.
hi Smile
i'm willing to continue! please help Smile
i think i have the same problem. it's always showing up as 0.
thanks Smile
hm..i think i got it to work. one question though.
it only shows how many are viewing if they are viewing the INDEX of a thread? but not a topic within that thread?
Yes the version till now doesn't show who are reading threads inside this forum. I MUST include this in any coming version.
hi, just a status check.
has this been updated yet? i really really want this mod to count ALL viewers (even the ones reading the threads, not just the body)

Why with this plugin, if I see a thread of a section of the forum, the voice "viewers" is not visible. I want that if a user is looking a thread of a section, in index of the forum the conter of the forum viewers increase, is possible?
that was the original issue.
we'r still waiting for an update Smile
MadamZuZu Wrote:that was the original issue.
we'r still waiting for an update Smile

Than I will attend the new version of the plugin. How many time is necessary to attend?
hi zaher1998

i want change your plugin for show users are in the post in froum
let me ?

i can add a query for detemined users in the low froum
in database i have a "fid" in "location1 "
if with this "fid" go to other tabel and get "parentlist " value

please see this code and say your idea about it

	$fh = fopen(MYBB_ROOT.'/inc/functions_forumlist.php', "r") or cperror("Could not open file!"); //OPEN FILE
	$data = fread($fh, filesize(MYBB_ROOT.'/inc/functions_forumlist.php')) or cperror("Could not read file!"); //MAKE TEMPORARY STRING
	fclose($fh); //CLOSE FILE AGAIN
	$newdata = preg_replace('#'.preg_quote('
					global $db;
					$timecut = time() - $mybb->settings[\'wolcutoff\'];

// i add this code from here for determined user in post

                    $query = $db->query("SELECT parentlist FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums WHERE fid=\'".$forum[\'fid\']."\'");
					if ($parent1 = $db->fetch_array($query)) 
					$rr = $parent1[parentlist];

                    $n = substr_count($rr,',');

                    $rrr = explode(",", $rrr);

					for ($t =0; $t <= 2; $t += 1)
                    $total1[$t] = 0;
					$query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sessions WHERE time>\'$timecut\' AND location1=\'".$rrr[$t]."\'");	
					$total1[$t] = mysql_num_rows($query);

zaher1988, about this mod.
when i installed it, it flood my forum header with about 10 + warning messages. do you have any solution to stop it?
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